No, not that war. That would be annoying. I mean me and Demolisher are all made up. We're not mad anymore, and nobody had to get any more beat up then they had to. *makes cheering motions* Break out the drinks and turn up the music, because I feel great!
And a meme to celebrate.
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Hey now! You're one to talk...
*to Bootsie* And you shouldn't let him get away with insulting you just because he's nicey-ing you up. *to Snowcat again* She went out of her way for your sake and you talk about her like that?
((See, for her, calling someone "unDecepticonly" is a grievous insult. If Snowcat had said the same about her, there'd be fuel spilt... And of course, real or perceived slights towards Skywarp are nothing she takes kindly to, either, as Dreadboots could tell. ;) ))
Talk about her like what?
(('kay, 'kay.))
Still can't see why you're proud of it, but I've gotten used to you being a strange one by now... Even if it means I'll have to look out for you so that no one exploits your soft centre.
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