Lots of witty banter

Sep 12, 2007 21:47

AIM Convo between Me and Joey (Yeah, we all remember who Joey is don't we ;))
Recently, he got promoted to a mod at MFGG, and now I, and about 100 other people, are taking him down. This is me getting my laughs out of the deal.

SMBFan2003 (6:35:17 PM): Sorry. Now as I was going
to say, what's the point in flaming people who, as
according to you, don't belong there?
SMBFan2003 (6:35:30 PM): according to your logic, that
would apply to 61% of the active MFGGers
SMBFan2003 (6:35:48 PM): and people DO get punished
for mockery of already banned members
SMBFan2003 (6:36:07 PM): I got punished for posting
an AIM convo from a long time ago of a banned member
SMBFan2003 (6:36:28 PM): and back when I was
banned, 3 other people got warned for messing with me,
and ironically, you were one of them
SMBFan2003 (6:36:38 PM): so tell me just what in the
hell you're applying to.
IGotTheTriforce (6:37:37 PM): "SMBFan2003 (6:35:50
PM): and people DO get punished for mockery of
already banned members"
IGotTheTriforce (6:37:41 PM): I said permabanned.
IGotTheTriforce (6:38:01 PM): Also posting conversations
with those members in a way that could cause trouble is
also a bannable offense because it's an outside dispute.
SMBFan2003 (6:38:12 PM): Except I didn't cause
SMBFan2003 (6:38:17 PM): I didn't know who the
person was
IGotTheTriforce (6:38:20 PM): However nobody seems to
get in trouble for flaming permabanned members.
SMBFan2003 (6:38:20 PM): and I still got banned
SMBFan2003 (6:39:20 PM): No see, YOU don't seem to
get in trouble for flaming permabanned members
because trust me, you did it all the time and you never
got away with it
SMBFan2003 (6:39:38 PM): remember when I was
IGotTheTriforce (6:39:53 PM): yeah?
SMBFan2003 (6:40:01 PM): Yes I know, we both do
SMBFan2003 (6:40:08 PM): you never EVER got in
trouble for it
SMBFan2003 (6:40:18 PM): in fact you were one of the
only people who got away with EVERYTHING.
SMBFan2003 (6:40:19 PM): see
SMBFan2003 (6:40:22 PM): now if anyone else did it
SMBFan2003 (6:40:25 PM): they got banned
SMBFan2003 (6:40:28 PM): Rage pulled that stunt
SMBFan2003 (6:40:32 PM): RII warned him
IGotTheTriforce (6:40:54 PM): Okay.
SMBFan2003 (6:42:05 PM): that alone supports my point
as to how people get in trouble for making fun of
banned members. I explained my situation, which was a
banned member making fun of me, and I explained my
other case
SMBFan2003 (6:42:13 PM): but I also want to explain
this case
IGotTheTriforce (6:42:27 PM): WAIT
SMBFan2003 (6:42:33 PM): as to why you never get in
trouble for flaming members in warn logs, or in general,
just flaming
IGotTheTriforce (6:42:36 PM): you pasted a conversation
about how a banned member made fun of you
IGotTheTriforce (6:42:55 PM): that's an outside dispute.
IGotTheTriforce (6:43:01 PM): That's against the rules
and a bannable offense.
IGotTheTriforce (6:43:25 PM): See, I don't know the
specific details of what you're trying to prove, I don't know
the details of every case you think you know, so I can't
definitely say you're right or wrong.
IGotTheTriforce (6:44:37 PM): You're just kinda tossing
out "Well I did it once and Rage did it once and you did it
all the time."
SMBFan2003 (6:45:23 PM): and probably a hundred
other people did it too
SMBFan2003 (6:45:26 PM): and I don't mean on AIM
SMBFan2003 (6:45:36 PM): but they've all been
punished for it
SMBFan2003 (6:45:42 PM): if I remember correctly
IGotTheTriforce (6:46:13 PM): Alright.
SMBFan2003 (6:46:51 PM): So if they've been punished for what they do, why don't you get punished for what you do, which I'd like to announce,
flaming in warn logs
SMBFan2003 (6:46:58 PM): wait scratch that
SMBFan2003 (6:47:01 PM): just general flaming
SMBFan2003 (6:47:04 PM): not just in warn logs
IGotTheTriforce (6:48:36 PM): Again, you're tossing out what you remember and what I don't remember as some sort of evidence towards your point. I can't
answer you because this is just he-said she-said.
IGotTheTriforce (6:49:32 PM): But, my point still is, stop getting banned and we'll stop treating you like a dog every time you're banned.

***Looks like he set himself up to get owned***

SMBFan2003 (6:50:00 PM): Okay see, you don't treat a person like a dog just because they do something to get banned
SMBFan2003 (6:50:05 PM): that's being fucking hypocritical
SMBFan2003 (6:50:49 PM): And to add on, this isn't a matter of he-said, she-said
IGotTheTriforce (6:50:52 PM): You don't really need to swear.
SMBFan2003 (6:50:52 PM): you know what the hell you did
SMBFan2003 (6:51:00 PM): To express anger, indeed I do.
IGotTheTriforce (6:51:12 PM): You're upset over this?
SMBFan2003 (6:51:27 PM): Hmph, I am now.
IGotTheTriforce (6:51:40 PM): Mods are calling some of the worst banned members we've had some names and you're upset?
IGotTheTriforce (6:51:54 PM): You really need to get over it, I think.
IGotTheTriforce (6:52:19 PM): Don't take it personally, because we do our jobs the way we want to do our jobs as long as the admins see no problem with it.
If they do then we adjust.
SMBFan2003 (6:52:45 PM): Then the admins need to start doing their job and looking over what you do, because what I think you do is wrong!
IGotTheTriforce (6:53:10 PM): Their jobs are to run the forum, not to go over every new big complaint MFGGers think of.
SMBFan2003 (6:53:19 PM): No see
SMBFan2003 (6:53:25 PM): this isn't a matter of complaints
SMBFan2003 (6:53:30 PM): this is a matter of controlling the mods
IGotTheTriforce (6:53:44 PM): Actually, I wasn't commenting on the matter.
IGotTheTriforce (6:54:13 PM): I was commenting on your comment, "then admins should start doing their jobs."
IGotTheTriforce (6:54:21 PM): as a response to me
IGotTheTriforce (6:54:24 PM): It's not even a valid response.
SMBFan2003 (6:54:42 PM): not to you because you're not an ADMIN
IGotTheTriforce (6:54:48 PM): The admins do their jobs. They run the forum. Mods try and keep the peace.


SMBFan2003 (6:54:50 PM): you're a mod who needs watching over
SMBFan2003 (6:54:55 PM): keep the peace?
SMBFan2003 (6:55:00 PM): You?
SMBFan2003 (6:55:04 PM): you cannot be serious.
IGotTheTriforce (6:55:10 PM): Oh, you want to get personal then?
IGotTheTriforce (6:55:17 PM): I'm sorry, I was being professional/
SMBFan2003 (6:55:18 PM): Apparently, half of the forum is in an uproar
IGotTheTriforce (6:55:20 PM): I did say "try."
SMBFan2003 (6:55:21 PM): because of you

***Then I made him Angry***

IGotTheTriforce (6:55:23 PM): Hey
IGotTheTriforce (6:55:24 PM): Hey
IGotTheTriforce (6:55:28 PM): Read.
IGotTheTriforce (6:55:32 PM): Read.
IGotTheTriforce (6:55:35 PM): Stop typing and read.

***Unfortunately for him I never stopped typing***

SMBFan2003 (6:55:37 PM): there's a difference between trying
SMBFan2003 (6:55:40 PM): and not trying
SMBFan2003 (6:55:44 PM): if you were trying
SMBFan2003 (6:56:01 PM): you would not be flaming people as you ban, and you also wouldn't be god-like with your actions
IGotTheTriforce (6:56:03 PM): I am trying, but a lot of MFGGers seem to find a problem with the way I uphold the rules we have always had and yet never
SMBFan2003 (6:56:10 PM): every other mod I can simply respect
IGotTheTriforce (6:56:16 PM): That's because you were all babied to think you have some kind of constitution or internet bill of rights.
IGotTheTriforce (6:56:19 PM): You don't.
IGotTheTriforce (6:56:35 PM): Admins run the forums and if the mods do their jobs the way they want to and the admins find no problems with them then
that's that.
IGotTheTriforce (6:57:06 PM): I am doing what I can to uphold the rules and weed out the people who obviously do not give a shit about the community or the
forum and just want to fuck off and ruin everyone's day.
IGotTheTriforce (6:57:20 PM): Or are just there for their own personal gain.
SMBFan2003 (6:57:45 PM): And so do all the other mods but they're not insulting tyrants
IGotTheTriforce (6:57:56 PM): No of course not
IGotTheTriforce (6:58:01 PM): Nobody complained about Trasher
IGotTheTriforce (6:58:02 PM): ever
IGotTheTriforce (6:58:04 PM): No
IGotTheTriforce (6:58:13 PM): Also nobody complained that Shadowman did the same thing, naahhh
IGotTheTriforce (6:58:19 PM): Also nobody complains that DJ Yoshiman does the same thing
IGotTheTriforce (6:58:20 PM): NOOO
IGotTheTriforce (6:58:23 PM): It's Joey the Assholw Mody.
IGotTheTriforce (6:58:26 PM): Get your head out of your ass.

***Way to flame me, AGAIN***

SMBFan2003 (6:58:47 PM): ...Okay I think my work here is done =/
IGotTheTriforce (6:58:53 PM): Okay. See ya.
SMBFan2003 (6:59:00 PM): and my head never was in my ass, thank you
SMBFan2003 (6:59:03 PM): have a good night sir
IGotTheTriforce signed off at 6:59:07 PM.
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