I'm tired of stupid people.

Jan 23, 2013 13:59

So, internet "drama." Yeah, I had some, I guess. Pissed me fright the fuck off too.

Let me be clear - I'm fully aware that my sense of humor is dry, that my writing style is somewhat sarcastic, and that I can be passive aggressive when I'm upset. I'm well aware of my own personal faults. That said, here's a fucking clue about me - I'm really straight forward. I'm open with my emotions and opinions, and I say what I mean. You don't have to have a PhD in Philosophy to interpret my comments, in my own journal or yours - what I say is what I mean. So if I say a bunch of I, me, I feel, my opinion, etc - here's a fucking news flash - I'm TALKING ABOUT MYSELF IN RELATION TO YOU. Maybe myself in your position, maybe similarities we have that would make make me feel this way, maybe what I would do if I were you, whatever. You'd think it would be clear due to the syntax used, but for some people it's not, so hopefully I'm clearing this up.

If you have a problem with what I say or how I say it, feel free to put on your big girl panties and articulate your concerns to me and we can clear them up where possible. But if you cannot fucking read, have reading comprehension issues in general, or can't put your own emotions to the side and read objectively before firing your mouth off and being a rude and hurtful - don't fucking talk to me.

I'm tired of continuously repeating myself in responses to people who are not willing to read text in any other emotional tone then their own. I do not ever attack people or mean to hurt feelings intentionally on LJ. I think most other people on LJ are similar and give them the benefit of the doubt. If you cannot do the same, we probably shouldn't be friends, so now is a good time to remove yourself.

Trust me, if I wanted to be an ass or let you know that I think you're a twat, I can guarantee there will not be any question of my intent or meaning.

Lastly, I know I have issues. My brain does not "work as intended" all the time and therefore is, by the definition of the word, broken. I'm fucked up and broken. These are fact based descriptive terms that I'm comfortable with for myself. If you you have some similarities to me and therefore extrapolate that you're "fucked up and broken" too, alright then, welcome, we should start a club. If you extrapolate that your are fucked up and broken as well, and then fly off the handle because I say that about myself and you don't like what it means in your mind, well, that sucks for you. If you then decide that the appropriate response is to be rude to me, or back your friends in being rude to me? Well, that's not so good, and it makes you a douche. It is not my job to deal with your emotional outburst because you cannot regulate your feelings, and I'm tired of it. Grow the fuck up.

This entry was originally posted from http://icelore.dreamwidth.org. Please feel free to comment there or follow my DW journal! Thank you. :)

stupidity, drama, there's a reason i don't like people, asshats, my opinion, communication, this is why we can't have nice things, frustration

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