ok, i really don't have anything to say other than dfucbwrwyucdbxssg
Miyavi on dlisted.....i love how MK had to say that he is a he....this equals the awesome that was Perez mentioning Edison Chen's sex scandal...don't ask, i am weird....
that is my notebook number 1 for Polish......first year of high school....year 1999....my godawful handwriting...
you have to admit, my handwriting changed....for better...paper that i wrote for Culture of Galicia year ago
don't ya love my wedding ring? ok, it is ring i got from my godfather (who i don't like, who would like sb who is member of LPR, reason for shame D:) when i was 8....First communion....serious business, i would feel like I don't have a finger if i took it off.......this reminds me this lolastic comment on wp.pl...people were discussing corporal punishment...and one woman wrote:
Niektórzy przeżyją szok, jak to przeczytają. Ja żałuję, (nie wiedziałam,) że należało prosić Matkę Bożą o pomoc w wychowaniu moich dzieci, wychowywałam je sama, mąż był zajęty pracą. Należy zwracać uwagę na rodziców chrzestnych, czy podając do chrztu nasze dzieci są w łasce uświęcającej. Czy rodzice modlą się razem z dziećmi. A teraz niektórzy być może pośmieją się, ale to jest recepta, jeśli nie chcemy mieć kłopotów.
Basically she wrote that you have to ask God for help in rising your kids...and pay attention to who you chose for godparents.....and that this is the best way for having kids that don't cause problems....no i am not making this up O.o....poor Helen seeing how i don't go to church at all she will turn into some delinquent
the straightness of my fingers is astonishing....isn't it?.....my middle fingers were like that.....my ring fingers not so much....i hurt both during PE classes when we played volleyball....of course instead of going to doctor i waited till it stopped hurting......wise person i am
16 strawberries, 2,5 banana, 1 orange.....most likely lies..there should be some Pysio lottery, which i should win and get provided with free Pysios till i die
our postal service workers are protesting...great timing, this way i will never get that stuff..