Mar 18, 2007 22:53
It's weird to have a "name".
It's weird to be told that you have influence and clout, and that if you commit to something that it will aid in bringing other people around to the cause/activity/event. I mean, I guess I should have expected this, considering my strong personality and tendency towards leadership, but still. It's weird. And surprising.
That would send me on the further rant of "what's in a name anyways?" but I don't think I'm going to go there now. Although first thoughts include how whatever name or reputation I have is under "Katie", which isn't even legally my name....
And yes, there has been a sudden resurgence of posts. If it bothers you, ignore them. I just want an outlet for my thoughts. I mean, in high school I posted on here because I wanted people to see and know about me. I used it as a means of disseminating information. Now most of the time I really couldn't care less if people read this. And I don't mean that in an offensive way, it's just that the blog has morphed into being actually for me instead of for other people. Maybe that's a current trend in my life? Realigning things so that I don't give and give until I break?
And now to directly contradict what I was just saying - I'm sorry Jordan. I should have said something instead of letting the silence speak.
Side note - my computer should go die in a hole.