(no subject)

Nov 03, 2006 19:31

Who's Your Stereotypical Fantasy Guy\Girl And Why Do You Dream Of Him\Her?

Your fantasy is The Brooding Hero or The Damsell in Distress, depending on which way you swing. -The Brooding Hero is a sheep in wolf's clothing. He may seem very cold, unemotional and unpleasant on the outside, but the truth is that they've been either hurt in their life, or they just don't appreciate themselves as much as it would seem. He's lonely and lacks love in his life, but when he falls in love himself, he can be sweeter and more gentle than anyone you've ever met. - The Damsell in Distress is in trouble. She's suffering, for a reason or another, and can't seem to get her life back on track by herself. She doesn't seem to have any friends, and she seldom laughs. She's not easy to reach because she's either very shy and timid, or delibaretely rude and mean, trying to chase anyone who gets close to her far, far away. The truth, however, is that she's scared, and needs someone to show her she's worth something, too. You dream about this type of person because you have a bit of a hero complex. When you see someone in pain, you have to go and help them, either in the storng, protective way, or the gentle, nursing way. You're an optimist, and you always see good in people, which is why it's impossible for you to let anyone suffer. Maybe what you really want is to sooth your over-active consciense by always doing the right thing, even when it's not asked of you. If you ever get to meet a person like this, keep in mind that what you feel for them is not necessarily love, but mere compassion, and that as noble as you are, you're not responsible of everyone's happiness. You don't have to save everyone, but if it truly makes you happy, by all means! :)
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