Sep 08, 2004 16:37
I'm not really a green mother from outerspace, fyi, lol.
I got to talk with Michael last night, lol. Just thought I'd share that because I don't want to forget to mention anyone in this...even though of course I will, you know... He has an audition on Thursday at 5 so I'm going to call his mom's cell phone around 4:30ish to wish him luck!
Omg, today's been a riot! Except the fact that all my teacher's were pmsing today :-P. Like Sister Nancy, omg. We can't play jeopardy anymore because Jim and Bri were joking around with her over a suggestion she made! She also got rid of all our extra points for our test! Then in Chemistry with Mrs. Roux! She got mad at me because I forgot my calculator! I have never forgotten it before...grr...
Anyways today has been fun too. I got a B+ on a Gil paper and he asked me why I'm in a CP class :-D. Then I got an 81 on my chemistry quiz, which isn't bad. I have three tests and a quiz tomorrow though :-(.
After school we voted for who's going to be president, etc for drama. Katie's president *cough*, Andy's vice (yay Andy!), Stephanie's secretary, and Adam's treasurer.
Then after the drama thing I was outside with Andy and his sister came out and started yelling for him, so I grabbed him and said, "No you can't take my Finn away!" So she said, "ohhh" because she thinks we're an "item" right, so then I whispered loudly to Andy, "Does she know I'm a lesbian!?" Then Andy told me that her face like had a look of shock on it, HAHAHAHAHA! Also we were doing like the going down the stairs thing and canoeing in front of the window so they were watching that too, lol. I made sure Andy's sister doesn't think I'm a lesbian, because I'm not. As I told Emily, I'm a man-craving machine! LOL.
Then Schmidty came outside and was asking us if we wanted to talk with her too because apparently she's listening to peoples' problems or something so I said, "Miss Schmidt, I have a problem..." And Sarah yelled out, "She's a lesbian!" HAHAHAHA, then Miss Schmidt said, "I can help you with that!" We started laughing because the way she sounded just didn't sound right and she didn't mean that anyway.
Wow this is a long post, but I thought I'd share everything with you all.
I can't wait for this weekend *big smile* :-D.
*you have no you?*