An awesome art gift from Frotu! (O__O)

Jul 13, 2012 21:18

Evenings by ~Frotu on deviantART

What can I said? Absolutely beautiful and gorgeous art from a talented artist, Frotu! She drew me an amazing Sesshoumaru and Rin's art! (O___O)

I know many of you know Frotu, she is a talented artist and also an awesome Sessh/Rin fanfictions author. Her best story and is my all times favorite is 'Thaw'

Check out her Deviant Art's profile to browse all her wonderful arts from her! Must see guys

You can check out her awesome stories on FF.Net and Moonlight-Flower
I am sure you guys will love it
Happy browsing and reading guys

icegirljenni, shared links, livejournal, anime fanfiction, anime and manga: pictures/videos, digital/traditional artworks

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