This is the version i'm getting (might get it tomorrow from walmart. But it would be a miracle if i did get it) Anyways, I'm going to post here what happens on Nintendogs every now and then. Probably put new entries during the weekend and play the game during the week and write down what happens during the week and put it up here during the weekends if i'm noy busy or forget. Anyways Below this is a list of the dogs i'm going to start out with. The 3rd one will be my goal since I can't get it in this version:
First= Female German Sheperd. Name: Icehouse
Reason= I had a german sheperd in white as a puppy but gave it away. I'll miss him (i know different gender than the one I want on Nintendogs)
color= Either white or black.
Second= male chihuahua. Name: Rebel
Reason= I am naming it after my stuffed border collie (yes i know it's not a chihuahua).
color= black and white, tan, white, or black. which ever is ok.
Third male Huksy Name: Kazuma
reason: I like Huskies and i love Kazuma from S-Cry-Ed.
color: really really dark. i love dark colors