Although the rest of the letter covers my likes/dislikes, I'm just happy that someone's writing me any of these! Thank you - and feel free to ignore anything of what is below if it's going to make your life absolutely impossible.
- Slash! And gen! And het!
- Religion/Politics (Although this one is somewhat a huge ask, what I really mean at the heart is a sense of complexity in the world, entanglements, gray areas, manipulation, etc.)
- Plot!
- Equal power balances - I like it when, even if someone's stronger or smarter or more powerful, they both still need each other and have complementary characteristics.
- Jealousy and/or possessiveness.
- Although I like smut as much as the next person (totes have a wallsex kink), what I enjoy the most is the tension - the complete absorption characters have in each other, to the point where nothing else in the world matters but the other person. My favourite stories usually feature things like 's/he's the only one I lose control for' - somewhat of a Blakean 'Those who restrain desire do so because theirs is weak enough to be restrained' thing, where one person is the only one who breaks the other's control/affects them in a particular way.
- Following on from this, I like stories where people get together - but they don't need to be happy. It's great if they do, but as well as happy I also like war stories, fucked up relationships, etc, as long as it's about the two people whose need to be together trumps everything.
- I am pretty much unsquickable, bar shota/lolicon.
- I don't enjoy the 'alternate universe' type of AUs (especially High School AUs). I do enjoy the 'What-if' kind of AU, where an event in canon is re-imagined, but I prefer it when the characters stay in the canon world and aren't transposed to something else like a modern American high school.
- Narratively helpless women.
- I am also not a fan of embarassment or cringe scenarios where someone is being humiliated.
Patricia Briggs - Alpha & Omega:
After I read the Alpha and Omega series, I felt massively sorry for Leah and I would really love some kind of fic where Leah gets to kick ass or save the day. I don't mind if she's powered up and secretly Jean Grey with amnesia, a fabulous artist, or the world's greatest mathematician, I don't mind if she saves the day by being Karl Lagerfeld's best friend and defeating the latest werewolf crisis through fashion, I don't mind if she does it by running evil over in her car, I would just like for Leah to do something and be recognised as a person by Bran and the others.
Okay, this request practically requires an essay in my head to justify why I'm asking for it. After I read Cry Wolf and the bit at the end with Bran returning home, I kind of went 'wait a moment...'
Leah's stuck in a situation she can't get out of (no lone female wolves, even if there was werewolf divorce) where her partner thinks she's stupid and unlovable and who has manipulated their entire marriage for sex/the mate bond. Everyone around her thinks that she's stupid and horrible, and hates her being there and Bran doesn't enlighten them as to why he chose Leah, thus making him seem like the party to be pitied because 'his wolf chose Leah because he'd been alone too long'. Then perfect Anna, who everyone loves immediately without hesitation comes in and within 20 seconds Leah's husband trusts and respects and values her opinion more. Yes, she acts horrible to people but tbh if I'd been in that situation for as long, I'd be pretty awful to people too. Even if someone isn't the nicest, that doesn't mean she should be stuck in a place where she has no chance to grow, to learn, to be happy in her own right.
Also what's wrong with pretty clothes :(
So yes. I would like a fic where Leah gets to be a person and do something in her own right, and I am fine with whatever way you choose to do that.
Deverry Series:
I would completely adore a Maddyn/Branoic/Owaen threesome - not necessarily porn, but something with sexual overtones. Or a Branoic/Maryn 'You came before Lillorigga' piece. Or any kind of Deverry slash, really! XD
Branoic's awkward love of Maddyn tears at my heart, and I'd really enjoy some kind of Maddyn/Branoic/Owaen acknowledgment of the sexual thread running through their relationship (poor Owaen, not realising that he didn't want to beat up Branoic, he WANTED Branoic). Whether or not this actually is porn is pretty much incidental to me.
I'd really like a piece with Tristen as Barrakketh, and old school Sihhe coming down from Hafsandyr and the North.
Maybe even a Sihhe male former lover coming down to visit and being completely unashamed before humans, and Tristen being even more massively torn between his human and Sihhe halves in the presence of someone he half remembers. Or even Tristen going north to Hafsandyr himself.
One thing I really loved about this series was the tension between wizardry and magic and sorcery, so bonus if you feel you would like to include that.
If that's a bit much, Tristen/Idrys of any kind would be awesome (it was my first slash pairing ever!).
Yuletide is totally the best thing evar. Everyone should do it!
yuletide it up, y'all.