A long long long overdue post..

Aug 06, 2007 19:52

The long overdue post.

Dear and me celebrated our 1st year anniversary @ 15th July. (SOrry dear for not updating on that day, sigh no special posting liao :( ). My bad for not having a good anni dinner (sorry again dear). We went to Singapore to the day after.

Sentosa island sure has changed alot in 10 years. But somehow it does not appeal to me anymore, maybe because I am older? or the admission rates to the different sections of the park costs alot of RMs. Maybe its both. Had a nice comfortable time with dear.

Back to the present...

Dear is back to his hometown for two weeks, gosh I am missing him already. Work wise its been ok with lots of projects coming up. Been thinking of changing jobs but somehow my instinct tells me to stick to this one and ride the waves as it will be the same everywhere else (will it?). Being manager sure isn;t a walk in the park but it is a good experience.

On another note, 2nd bro's wedding has been called off, all because his wife's family wants a bigger ang pow. In this day and age? do this things still matter? Traditional yes la but to the point of blocking the marraige when things have been bought and more or less confirmed? Sigh, it pains me to hear this. 
On hindsight, I guess its better to happen now then later when more things are involve that will evetually involve the whole family.

Gosh a real life Wah Lai Toi episode happening... Anyway god speed to my bro with gods blessings I am sure things will turn out ok.

Counting down to the day dear is back..

Love you..
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