Jun 05, 2006 02:00
After a 3month hiatus... I am back... hope to blog as often as I can from now on. To those who miss me, well sorry about it but yours truly here needed some time off. To those who are worried about my state of mind... well I am all ok now... I think.. ;)
Gonna miss a 'brother' of mine, Andy. He shall be flying off to manila to work for 4 yrs and I shall miss him terribly. Though I hardly know him, during the past months of turmoil he was there for me when I ran out of options (another term of mine for shoulder of support). I can always visit him there as he offered free stays at his place of residence (yippie)!!
On my personal development at work, I am kinda happy but worried at the same time. My manager is leaving the company, yeap, yours truly here is next up the ladder... I have voiced my intentions to take over the department and of certain projects which have been met with positive responds. I am also sad that my manager is leaving as these 1.5yrs he has taught alot in business perspective and into managing people. I knew he was about to leave since last year as he has shown his intentions. A little worried that I may not carry out the job as well as him but hey I have to start somewhere.
"There comes a time when all men have to lead...." - Anon.
To those who have been seeing me lately and asking if I was alright, yes I am... altho certain questions or rather decisions that I may make have been lingering in my mind these last couple of days/weeks? No one knows except me... I only hope that I may make the right one...