Title: Basestar Rave
icedteainthebagPairing: Laura/Bill
Rating: NC-17
Word count: 4,396
Spoilers: through S4
Author's Notes: Originally written for the
bsg_pornbattle. Prompt: Bill/Laura, "let's have some fun/this beat is sick/I wanna take a ride/on your disco stick." This was written per
coffeesuperhero's request. I want to thank
tlynnfic for first brainstorming this idea with me via txt,
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I am writing you to inform you that Dasha will give you full and complete feedback tomorrow but I have had to sedate her with a Thorazine injection to her gluteus maximus. Her hysterical laughter was such that I felt it was best to calm her down before she ruptured vital internal organs. She is currently sprawled on our bed, drooing and singing "I ain't freaking, I ain't faking this, I ain't freaking, I ain't faking this..."
I remain, your friend as always,
I must admit that I am very concerned that your poor friend Dasha cannot manage a complete drool. This is cause for an intervention.
I believe more porn will be required. Soon.
Thank you.
I believe it's time you ante up with some porn yourself. Dasha mentioned that this morning over bagels and coffee.
I was only worthy of loo fic. The pornbattle was beyond my skillz.
Maybe next time. :P
Thank you for your concern. I will have N check D's salivary glands asap.
My fingers hurt so badly from typing they need slings. Slings? Please?
Thank you.
( ... )
You know what I always say--nothing like Thorazine, hysterical laughter, and the Ting Tings to create an atmosphere for epic sexy tiems.
Heed this advice as you deem necessary.
Yours in friendship,
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