I've been absent again. Woe.
Real life has been treating me rather fantastically, even though it's been busy. I've lost my fanfic-writing muse (though I still have two fics I need to finish) and most of my time is spent... not fangirling. It's not bad, it's just different.
I am way into Breaking Bad (WATCH IT), though the fandom is very small and peppered with chauvinistic, violence-loving wankers on Facebook.
In BSG fandom, wooohoooo,
Adama/Roslin Month of Love has been jump-started by the new mods over there and it is going to be a lot of fun. Go sign up for a date in October to bring the A/R love in any form you can imagine. In fact, that whole
adama_roslin community is experiencing quite the overhaul and it's getting active and fantastic. If you haven't been over there, check it out.
Hmmm, besides that, I've got nothin'. Oh, how about ... how about a poll of fandom "would you rather."
Poll New Caprica movie vs X-Files 3 DISCUSS :D