Title: Painted Lady (5/14)
tjonesy and
icedteainthebagWord Count: 2,054
Rating: MA
Pairing: Roslin/Adama
Spoilers: S2, Final Cut through LDYB II
Summary: We survived the end of worlds and we still can't tell people how we really feel.
Notes: Thanks to our amazing betas
somadanne and
larsfarm77, both for their invaluable skills and their patience. Thanks to
melligator for the pretty icon
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I'm glad Brooke has Nicco, and Nicco has Brooke, even if this story's going to have a teary ending.
That last line was dirty pool, though. *sniffle*
Love that you connected the two--something I hadn't really done before but it makes *so* much sense (and is probably one reason why tjonesy wrote that scene in).
I'm glad Brooke has Nicco, and Nicco has Brooke, even if this story's going to have a teary ending.
Already speculating on the ending, now, are we?
And there's plenty of dirty pool going on in this story. Get used to it. ;)
Not speculating as much as keeping in mind your remarks about the show following canon. Put into that perspective, everything has a teary ending. :P
That last line was dirty pool, though. *sniffle*
We like dirty pool. *hands you a kleenex*
And that's why I like you. But I reserve the right to whine about it from time to time, even though I wouldn't have it any other way.
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