Title: Painted Lady (5/14)
tjonesy and
icedteainthebagWord Count: 2,054
Rating: MA
Pairing: Roslin/Adama
Spoilers: S2, Final Cut through LDYB II
Summary: We survived the end of worlds and we still can't tell people how we really feel.
Notes: Thanks to our amazing betas
somadanne and
larsfarm77, both for their invaluable skills and their patience. Thanks to
melligator for the pretty icon
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I would have never expected Nicco to be that honest or deep with Brooke, but he it seems, like everyone else, was someone else before the attacks. He sees more than any of us thought.
I love how Bill is present in this chapter like Laura has been present in the previous chapters.
I want Bill to want to rescue Brooke, I want Brooke to be happy, I want to believe that Bill knows what he is doing...but knowing our beloved Admiral so how I doubt it.
Oh the entire thing makes me sad - the situation, the fact that everyone is pretending, that there is very little hope. I want Bill to come back and hold Brooke.
All this of course means that the writing is beautiful. And we certainly got another interesting clue about Brooke's past. I thought she might have been a model but that doesn't seem to be it.
See you tomorrow! And thank you!!
I want Bill to want to rescue Brooke, I want Brooke to be happy, I want to believe that Bill knows what he is doing...but knowing our beloved Admiral so how I doubt it.
Again, I'm loving your insight on these characters. You're in their heads.
Thank *you* for reading and commenting. It's really wonderful to read what you have to say every day.
You'll learn a lot more about both of them as the story progresses.
Thank you for taking the time to leave such great feedback. It's so appreciated.
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