Title: Painted Lady (5/14)
tjonesy and
icedteainthebagWord Count: 2,054
Rating: MA
Pairing: Roslin/Adama
Spoilers: S2, Final Cut through LDYB II
Summary: We survived the end of worlds and we still can't tell people how we really feel.
Notes: Thanks to our amazing betas
somadanne and
larsfarm77, both for their invaluable skills and their patience. Thanks to
melligator for the pretty icon
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Gods, that last bit killed me. At the end of the day, everyone is pretending...they're pretending to be others, to love others, to be with others. Bill is pretending she's Laura, but she never will be her, and therein lies the heartache. She wouldn't even mins if Nicco could pretend to be him. She pretends, he pretends, it's all part of imaginationland in Hoville.
I might be a little misty right now. I blame the PMS.
Frak the PMS. I blame this drama.
This has all happened before. Apparently.
Really insightful feedback Kat. Yeah, it's a big world of make believe since the attacks.
Sorry about the PMS :(
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