(no subject)

Sep 22, 2005 20:19

this will probably be my last entry for a while... i decided not to let that last one be my last.

Band is the best thing that ever happened to me. I can't even describe how much i love it. I met most of my best friends there. Everytime i go there i don't feel like i'm being judged. I get to be me (or at least the me i want to be) i get to be with my friends. yeah it had its hard times, but the happiness overwhelms the sadness. its so hard to describe how much it has done for me.

then there's OM. That was the second best thing. I learned a lot, freaked out a lot, and most of all i LAUGHED a lot (much more than the other 2) I grew up there. I again met some of my best friends... it was so wonderful. i learned soo much there, about people, about what things mean, and of corse how to make an island out of icecream, icecream cones, sprinkles, and chocolate and carmel topping, AND i learned about me. It was amazing.

I love them both. I would be absolutely no where without them. they are the best things that ever happened to me. Its wonderful...
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