Jul 14, 2010 16:37

So, this stupid ass free 5-day trial thing ended up charging me directly after that.

$39.95 a month for the past 3 months. My stupid ass should have known not to trust anything 'free' when you type in your card number. They claimed you wouldn't be charged unless you wanted to continue. Of course they didn't tell you it's crucial that you cancel before the 5 days are up.

That's about $120 that I didn't use. And, oh, look, my Statistics class is going to cost $121. How nice.

Lately I've been spending money faster than I make it, as stuff just happens, and suddenly I'm purchasing an unexpected buy.

I still need to send out my car payment, insurance, and two other bills, and that's going to be more than my paycheck Friday. Usually I've already made my car payment by now, because my insurance automatically pulls every 22nd. Son of a bitch. Here I was trying to save money for school, and I just transfered savings into checking. Was it necessary? Not really. My balance was sufficient, but I feel uncomfortable when my account hits a certain point.

I feel like going into a murder rampage. Starting with the bitch on the phone. "There are NO refunds blahblahblah." Bitch!

bullshit, internet

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