Aug 12, 2004 20:55
jesus was not the son of god, he never was, and never should have been considered the son of god. jesus's dicvinity was DECIDED upon at the council of nicea THREE CENTURYS AFTER HIS DEATH! by a vote headed by emperor constantine of rome in an effort to fuse paganism and the numerous christian sects in rome into one religion, effectively ending the internal conflicts that plagued the country. constantine also burned or banned nearly all of the texts that even hinted at jesus being a normal human being, and in turn created a new book that would serve as the final word on jesus christ; the new testament. jesus was a normal human being, historians are finding sufficient evidence supporting the theory that jeus christ was married to mary magdelene and that there is a holy bloodline. yeah, and if you want to give me some shit about how YOU ARE JUST TALKING ABOUT THE STUFF IN THE DA VINCI CODE AND DAN BROWN IS FULL OF SHIT, then yeah, i researched everything said in that book and checked facts so fuck you im right your religion is full of holes, get a life and stop wasting your time at church.
if you would like to know more about how the church is bullshit and full of cover ups and scandals, then please, comment and i will get back at you
- feathers fucking mcgraw