Jun 21, 2006 13:42
Yay! i got a new job! i now work at healthy habit:"the health food store helping you". i have one more exam and i am good to go for summer. well not exactly i still have 10 more pounds befoer im good to go for summer. but that will come with time. i have no funny updates. i went swimming yesterday at the falls with lauren she was normal *i know i know! insane eh?* anyways bryce tagged along and i realised what a loser i was because i hid inside caitlinsa nd emmas towels until all the bandies left(byt eh way did any one else notice alex's swimming shorts....lol) then i hid inside laurens extra towel i made sure i covered my legs and my stomach teh whole after non until bryce finaly leftt hen i dove under teh water so that nobody could see me. i felt rediculous doing that but i felt even more rediculous outside in a bathing suit. god im sucha loser lol. until later...
p.s. thanks for putting me on you list emma! much appreciated!:D:D
p.ps. dad promised he'd buy my wilco ticket last night :D:D:D:D!
p.p.ps. im nto actually felling devious i jsut love that smiliey