DV8 Physical Theater: 11/12-11/14
My FAVORITE contemporary dance company is coming; first time in 11 years!!!
I wrote a big paper about them in undergrad, and they greatly influenced my contemporary dance choreography.
I have never gotten to see them live and I am seriously considering seeing them more than once.
DV8 Physical Theater performs "To Be Straight With You" 11/12 - 11/14 YBCA in San Francisco!
http://www.ybca.org/tickets/production/view.aspx?id=9117 DV8 website with a randomly looping set of video clips (Gorgeous)
http://www.dv8.co.uk/ Trailer for "To Be Straight With You"
Click to view
Sunday 11/8 - DV8 Video Screening
"These are
not documentations of performances, they are original films developed
for the camera. Program includes Enter Achilles, a funny, cruel
exploration of the male psyche; and the stunning Dead Dreams of
Monochrome Men, loosely based on the story of serial killer Dennis
Nilsen. (1996 & 1989, 95 min total running time, digital video)" (My dancer friends have probably all heard me talk about this video; it's a huge inspiration for me.)
Thursday 11/12 - Opening Night of "To Be Straight With You"
Friday 11/13 - Talk with the Choreographer, Lloyd Newson
- Live performance of "To Be Straight With You"
Saturday 11/14 - Video Screening of DV8's "The Cost of Living"
- Live performance of "To Be Straight With You"
I hope you can come!!!!
I think I will go on Thursday, and
maybe try to see the talk on Friday... I would love to go on Saturday,
to see "the Cost of Living" video first... hmm...
More info below!