..so I'm totally redonkulus. Obviously, I was WAY caught up in <3 last night, as I failed to mention that I got the internship with Urbis(and with Moose and Justin!). So I am interned!...that can't be right. But we go down to their office next Thursday and talk with them there and start working on making the code pretty and all that. It's nifty, I'm totally excited.
lessthanthreeld is now up and active as well, so if you want updates/random news delivered to your friends page...friend it? And nah, this is not a replacement for setting up a proper RSS feed. I just have to spend a bit of time doing that pretty soon here and then we'll be a modern internet business and all that.
Hot cocoa makes my stomach sort of behave weird.
I get out of class at 2:30 and apparently, Shawn's going to Tracy this evening. I'm probably going to make some shirts. :)
I had an idea a few minutes ago...oh yeah. "I'd Google That." ^~ Will be using the other large black shirt we've still got for that one. Might try and finish the Dino or actually START the Amelia Exdee one...we've got the cutest friggin design for that thanks to the posemaster.
Need to start actually making CSUS Swing shirts before The Sac Lindy Exchange for sure. I might actually take two days off for that, and go for more than one day since I'll probably be able to hook a ride down at least once and won't have to drive as much. (Or, if Shawn is is SupaCoolFianceMode5000, I'll just stay over night and head back on Saturday to maybe sleep. Who knows?)
Whoo, more money for me and the lady so we can make more interesting shirts! I enjoy that part...I still need to go through and finish making paypal buttons for everything, though I might go ahead and create buttons that work with our site a bit better rather than being super obvious paypal ones...and if I get to that, I'll do both add to cart and buy now ones and add on the additional menu I'm considering within the catalog a visit cart page...seriously. Hundreds of ideas about making the site kick ass. Not too many that I've ended up liking how they look yet though. >_>
Seriously, all I was going to say was I got an internship, and I STILL ended up back here, talking about <3. It's taking over my brain.
(Note to Self: Make Mood theme with <3 shirts as we add more shirts)