the end of 2008

Jan 01, 2009 19:20

I'M HOME!!!! I just got back today. I'm exhausted and my mom is depressed. Happy New year? Let's hope it'll get better. It only can, right?

So it's 2009. The end of 2008 wasn't that great. Christmas Eve, Christmas, and New Years Eve were skipped as I spent the holidays in the hospital. The thing is I don't really mind but my grandmother looks awful. She used to always be going but now she's a vegetable. It's just not right. Sometimes I wondered why these things happen. My grandmother was always a great person, she didn't deserve this. But the thing is most people don't. So many good people are forced into horrible situations while others just float by. It's not fair. But as always, it's life and I can't control it so I guess I'll just deal. As always. Complaining is always a good option.

So back to the rest of 2008. The end of high school. Summer. College. It's definitely been an interesting year to say the least. There's been a lot of tears. Too many but some were happy tears. So I'll take the bad tears as long as the happy ones come too. I don't know.

I love college, it's different from what I expected. I kind of wanted to meet a boy right away but obviously that didn't happen. It's weird I feel like everyone else has "done" a lot but I'm not that type of person and I'm not going to rush into something or change who I am for some random boy. I thought I should change at first and maybe a boy would like me or something but I realized over the first semester that if someone wanted me to change then I don't need them. It's frustrating sometimes but I'm sticking to my guns.

There were several big blowouts with my mom. But after our trip, I think we're really grateful for each other. She mentioned on more than one occasion how happy she was for me to be there with her and even though it was not the best vacation, I would have rather been there sleeping in a chair than not seeing my grandmother for maybe the last time and not being there for my mom when she needed me most. Hopefully 2009 will be a lot smoother.

For 2009, I know there is one thing I don't want to change. That's my friends. You guys have been the most supportive, amazing people and I am so lucky that you love me. I know I do a lot of complaining but you have no idea how much better you all make me feel and don't ever think I'm taking you for granted. I thank God every day for the amazing people who have made my life that much better. My friends definitely fit into that category.

So for 2009 I'm planning on cutting down the swearing. I realize I swear WAY too much and that needs to change. I don't like it and I think I lose a bit of myself when I do swear, it's out of habit now and hopefully I'll be quitting. So hel[ and don't get me angry. Me not angry=me not swearing. haha. I think I'll also cut down on the mood swings. They're giving me whip lash. I just get jealous sometimes and I shouldn't. I should be happy with my life and I am but when I see other people it's just upsetting. But I'm going to try and be more positive. Like my senior quote "Wherever you go, no matter the weather, always bring your own sunshine" I also plan on going to church. Stonehill has mass a lot and I think maybe going will help me focus and I'll be happier.

So yea. I'm happy with 2008 but I'm looking for a better, happier future and I wish you all a happy and great year too!!

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