A few weeks behind, but:
Goldeneye: Source Out of beta and beautiful. Slick, because the Source engine is slick. The whole point of the mod is to recapture those frantic multiplayer matches of yore, and the nostalgia is definitely strong with this one. It feels different not being on a split screen (and trying to uphold the "no peeking" honor system") and crammed on a couch with three other people, something missing in that regard, but I ran around the bunker and I still know every hallway. Used to spend hours in there with the paintball mod on. I haven't had time to play a proper series of matches, maybe this weekend.
This mod also reminds me that I meant to pick up the Goldeneye reimagining for the Wii. I mean, in awhile, once it drops in price. *checks Amazon* Someone explain why Rogue Agent, a game I received in 2004, is still forty dollars. What the?
Daily confessional: I never beat the Train level on 00 Agent difficulty. Nor the Control level. You know why.