
May 23, 2010 01:20

Finally my exams are over! Today my friends and i had an end of exam party. We watched Avatar again because one my friends did not see it at the movies.

I finished RHplus! It has an awesome storyline and hot actors......but the acting needs to be improved. Ageha is so cute and he reminds me of Ruito Aoyagi for some reason. Kiyoi is awesome and he reminds me of Tezuka or an actor that played Tezuka......I think i been watching too much Tenimyu.  Makoto has issues but he is cute too. Masakazu is hilarious and i love how he and Konoe try to beat each other. The storyline is intriguing and does not bored you out.

I started Himitsu no Hanazono and it is pretty good. The beginning was funny because the 4 guys picked on her but i also felt sorry for her. Hongo Kanata was very brainy and still has the attitude from the Prince Of Tennis movie. Kaname Jun is hot! I hope the story gets better....

I try to finish My Fair Lady but the storyline is slow and is kinda boring now. I have realised that most korean dramas i watch are very slow and they storyline is lagy. My sassy girl the drama is the same and i still have not finished it. You're Beautiful, Coffee Prince and other i still have not watch the whole thing yet. I started to watch My Fair Lady because Yoon Eun Hye and she was awesome in Princess Hours. Sometimes i think KDrama storyline are too slow and the build up of action is not intense. JDrama sometimes have this problem but rarely.

Creating Destiny is a Drama i started when it first came out then i forgot all about it and now i have come back to it. I love the Hermine as she is a strong character. The storyline is a cliche but it is a funny one and there are some parts that are not Clicheish.

Delicious Gakuin is a hilarious drama that feature some of my favourite people-Nissy and Aiba......So many Tenimyu people too!  I watched DG because Aiba and Ryunosuke Kawai were in it and another Tenimyu person. Someone also told me Masa was in it but i haven't seen him yet. Then i found out about Nissy and this led to the Love of AAA. I love DG.
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