I miss my Ty-Lo!!!

Apr 20, 2004 17:00

As far as yesterday goes, all I have to say is: FOURTY FREAKIN' SEVEN!!!! I was the "medalist" at the golf match... and even though I don't actually get a medal... it means I won! Woo!! And accoording to Megan, I beat everyone's score on Varsity except JoAnna and Emily! Eat that Joran!!! Boo-ya!!! (Now THERE'S a phrase I haven't heard since good ol' DHMS)

Hmm... well let's see, today I'm feeling especially unmotivated. The thought that I have ABSOLUTELY NO HOMEWORK for the first time in about a gazillion years but yet can't leave my house or do anything with Ty... or anyone else for that matter... really brings my morale down. I'm used to getting to chill with Ty pretty much whenever I want... I haven't hung out with him in 2 days and I don't care how lame you think I sound... but it's killing me!!! I'm going crazy! I wanna chill with him sooooo bad!!! AHHH!! I'm sad... I miss my Ty-Lo. (Even if I get to see him at school - it's not the same. Although the hug-ass-hugs I get from him by his locker are "tres magnifique!!")

Rain pounds down on the roof tops
The sky is a dismal grey
The thought of me without you
Makes it rain my tears today

It's raining my tears today

And on another note: American Choppers is just not the same and not nearly as kickasstic when you're watching it with your bestest bud via the phone. But I must say - The Liberty Bike was HOT!!!!!!

Later days! (The Weekenders!! Tito, Lor, Carter and Trish)
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