Wooo! Today took my breath away! Phew! A whole ton of stuff happened after 1:00 in the after-ma-noon when I was done putting books on shelves. (Fair warning: I'm SUPER excited/hyper right now so please excuse the odd random comments)
First... Ty came over and we finished up my red wall. It looks extremely amazing!! I absolutely love it!!! He did most of the work and I definately need to buy him dinner or something for it! Jeeze that kid! I tell ya!! It took us forever to paint because we are slow... but who cares!! Then Ty froze all his fingers off when he was rinsing out the rollers because I have no hot water in my laundry room. Poor guy!
Next: BOWLING! Whoop! (There it is! Hit me! - Yeah Tag Team!) Aaaaaanyway... I beat Ty 2/3 games, but it's ok! I love him anyway! We saw Ben and Bryan there too. I guess you could call it our first official "date!" He even paid for me!!! What a gentleman! What I thought was super cute though was this: We had been painting in grubby clothes so naturally we had to change before we went out in public... and it was kinda funny because I was getting ready for my "date" with my "date" if that makes sense... like we were both in my bathroom (which has 2 sinks handily enough) and like doing our hair and yeah I dunno I thought it was cute!
Then after bowling: TACO FREAKIN' BELL! Wow!! I love Taco Bell and it beats the hell out of Taco John's! Wow!! Haha I had so much fun just sitting and talking to Ty it was superb!!! Here are some of the highlights of Taco Bell:
- "Little gremlin voice coming from little o'l you" (In response to my weird way of saying "NO!")
- Oh! Burritos!
- Tay: "Taco, burrito, what's comin' out of your speedo?" Ty: (Gives Tay the "oh my god! you are crazy" look) Tay: What? You've never heard that before?" Ty: (looks down at his pants as if to see what is coming out of his imaginary speedo...) IT IS?!
And on the way home... let's not forget this:
- Ty: (burps SUPER loud and makes the whole car smell like a challupa) "I don't fart when I eat, I just burp really loud!" (Makes the :/ face)
But yeah... then we just came back and chillaxed at my house and watched Top Gun because Katie and Jeet ditched us for Morp. Oh well I don't really care... no biggie... a night with Ty is amazing no matter what! And this one rocked!! (Even if my family was kinda buggin' me) Ahhh! I love Ty sooooo much!!!
Something exciting will happen soon!!