We Speak to Fall Out Boy About PAX AM Days

Oct 25, 2013 15:46

The new EP Pax AM Days released by Fall Out Boy just last week, comes only a few months after their long-awaited album Save Rock and Roll. So with the weight of an album finally off their shoulders, and a tour in full swing to support said highly-anticipated LP, the question is: why release anything else right now? But, therein may lie an excellent litmus test for music from the heart. This music wasn’t made because a label is forcing it, or contracts required it, but simply because the band felt like it and the opportunity presented itself to record.

That opportunity was a call from Ryan Adams. For a few days in July, the group got together at Adams’ PAX AM studios in LA, (after which the album is titled) and before long, the 8-song EP was born.

MyMusic.com had the opportunity to speak to FOB guitarist Joe Trohman just before the EP’s release, here’s what he had to say about those PAX AM days…

One Thing That’s Really Cool About Ryan Adams

“One thing that’s really cool about Ryan Adams, is Ryan Adams loves pop music…”

Working With Ryan Adams

“It was great. He’s like a super nice cool down-to-earth guy and I think we all came from the same place, from punk rock and hard-core music, and I think that’s why he wanted to make these songs with us, he knows where we came from, he knows what we like.”

Going From Fan To Friend

“I was a huge fan, he was making records that I was coveting when I was living in a shitty apartment in Chicago and touring with Fall Out Boy…Him solo, his stuff with The Cardinals, that Oasis cover he did forever ago, of “Wonderwall”, that reinvented that song for me.”

“To get in a room with him, and become friends with the guy, and get on a level-I’ve had to do that with a lot of people I’ve grown up admiring, and it’s cool once you shed the putting-on-a-predestal thing, you realize everyone’s just a person, and you’re all like kind of shitty kids forever because you get to play music as your job, and write music as your job, and do creative heavy stuff that lets you kind of be a baby all the time. So we all got along really, really well and the music coalesced really quickly.”


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