Mar 13, 2013 21:16
March 12th, 2013 at 10:58 PM
chicago-softcore asked: What if the artist really IS terrible, though? I think a lot of people dismiss things loudly because it's unfair that the artist in question gets such a huge spotlight. But then again, I guess the complainers are what's causing the spotlight in the first place. Nevermind? haha
That’s a great point but I think you’re missing mine; If you know an artist’s work and you hate it, fine. Share that. If you’ve more or less heard you’re SUPPOSED to hate an artist’s work? Then just don’t say it. It offers nothing of value to the world to be the last dude in line going “Hey, I can join in hating this crap too!” That’s nothing more than bullying and the world could use a lot more artists and dreamers than art-snobs and dream-killers.
That’s what my point is.
patrick: nervousbreakdance[dot]com,