
Sep 12, 2012 13:54



  • Hanging w/ my Frenchie, drinking an IPA on a bench, got some fish tacos. I like today. #
  • @Scott_Ian likewise dude! So glad we got to hang.  #
  • @Joe_Dickerson *Gross  #
  • .@pattonoswalt's story abt Surrey makes me laugh, scream & feel comforted. As a touring guy I can relate. #ZombieSpaceshipWasteland #


  • @absolutepunk This made me smile/laugh/sign in to twitter. #
  • 1) While I'm here I just want to say 9/11 was horrible. So was the ignorant treatment of Muslim American citizens afterwards. #
  • 2) Ignorance breeds ignorance. Let's take some time to get to know our neighbors today. #unity # 
  • 3) Let's also take a moment to appreciate the firefighters. So much respect.  #
  • @Joey_Vincent What is the "Shit," that "No one wants to hear,"? And to whom am I "Ungrateful,"? #
  • @xtonythetiger_x @_shutupm3g I'm not into hate. Much love!  #
  • @LittleAvril84 Right back at you!  #
  • @MCRmyZombiee Epic/sweet tweet. Thank you! Have a great day yourself!  #
  • @Joey_Vincent 1) You didn't read my full statement. 2) All Americans lost rights as a result of the Patriot Act.  #
  • @Joey_Vincent 3) It's a terrible method of discussion to start one with "You ungrateful fuck." Not constructive.  #
  • @Joey_Vincent 4) Many innocent American Muslims died along with the other victims of 911.  #
  • @Joey_Vincent 5) I respect your opinions, please respect that other people in the world have different ones than you.  #
  • @Joey_Vincent No worries. I understand how misleading 140 characters can be.  #


  • Too hot to make good decisions today. #
  • When I die bury me in a booty club...  #
  • Who are you more Michael or Prince?  # 
  • @JackAllTimeLow you're grounded. Go to your room. #
  • @felixcartal in @hichew I trust.  #
  • @felixcartal yes if i can come over and split that bag of candy...  #
  • @JackAllTimeLow you mess with the bull, you get the horns...  #
  • big win. congratulations @serenawilliams at US open... woo!  #
  • standing on your front lawn with a boom box over my head always.  #
  • Wish I made more of these shirts.#crushmm  #

  • "everything is embarrassing"  #
  • Shadow days.  #
  • Turn your head and cough.  #
  • cowabunga! eat my shorts...  #
  • You are the cherry in a canned fruit salad.  #
  • You can't go through life simply trying to not disappoint people.  #

twitter: andy, twitter: joe, twitter: pete, twitter: patrick

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