Jul 27, 2012 19:42
- @4moonchildren Hugely different. There is an analog to creating an album though in that you're telling an overall story. #
- @DJ_VASYA That was super helpful! Way more effective than "Why didn't you answer me?" Thank you! I'm reading them now. #
- @DJ_VASYA I don't know where there are sheet music books of our songs but I'm sure they're out there. #
- @DJ_VASYA I mostly just dabble in instruments but I'd call myself a guitarist and a drummer. I love playing drums, wish I were better. #
- @DJ_VASYA Thank you! I will definitely do more solo work, just no plans right now. #
- @camilavillalob5 I see them/talk to them regularly so no. #
- @rellaluvsyou @yelyahwilliams A little but I haven't seen her in a long time. Seems really nice. She's a great singer. #
- @thisisanabarker We always aim for inexpensive tickets. There are tons of factors though and half the time a middle-man jacks up the price. #
- @thisisanabarker If I have anything to say about it though, our ticket prices will stay low. #
- @dallon_downpour Yes actually; That's my favorite flower. #
- @ohhiyageorgia It's not a stupid question; The internet spread a false rumor that we had broken up so I can't blame the people who heard it. #
- @d0usethelights I preferred "New Regrets," myself. #
- @ScarletEstelle @upperclassmen They're great! #
- @HaleyShallRule2 Eventually but not any time soon. #
- @nameiswes I leave the direction up to the band; I definitely won't try to push my own agenda whatever it is. #
- @thisisanabarker Theater's awesome/tough. I'd love to do that some day, but we'll see if I ever get good enough. #
- @TAY__KING Nope; I'd be super psyched to hear one I haven't heard before. #
- @WhatAFanGirl How can you ask me that?!? I love the UK. For sure. #
- @Allen_Cap I've been in a couple. FOB had that van accident too. #
- @Claire_Lucie Big question! I think the biggest mistake I made with Soul Punk was using my own name; I should've given it a "Project" name. #
- @Claire_Lucie That way, maybe it would've clued people into the idea that it wasn't going to be more Fall Out Boy/a guy and a guitar. #
- @Claire_Lucie In that way, I think I could have better navigated the two parallel projects (cause that's how I've always seen them). #
- @Claire_Lucie If I were only trying to do one or the other, what you're asking about would've been smart. That was never my plan though. #
- @EnemaOfTheKatie Whenever FOB comes back, I know it'll be called a reunion but I really don't want to think of it that way. #
- @EnemaOfTheKatie When we're back, I just want to be back. #
- @actuallyjawn I wasn't popular but I wasn't unpopular. I had it pretty easy. #
- @LillieAnn2012 I don't know much about it. #
- @xxjuliebaybiixx Nope cause that's literally never happened ever. #
- @XCivilWreckageX Any time I've ever done voiceover-like stuff, I've enjoyed it. It's a very hard gig to get though. #
- @ConnorMIW I'd love to but we'll see. Fingers crossed! #
- @CobraMessySnake I'd love to. #
- @infamyonhigh "Freddie's Dead," by Curtis Mayfield, anything by Bob Marley, anything old Motown #
- @patercakes Cyclops is so complex right out of the gate; Even the cheesy stuff, he's really dark and fascinating. #
- @kieferhammer That one was actually the director's idea. #
- @WolfIntestines Today I've got no beard. #
- @i_write_sins_ I don't think I ever would've been good at that. I've got the wrong aptitudes for it I think. #
- @SayHiToMax I just the most frequent question I get asked "Why did FOB break up?!?!" We didn't. That's all it means, nothing new. #
- @OutOfSuburbia Very briefly but I can't read music so I always BS'd my way through it haha #
- @dsteezysays Hard to say. I'm not even super aware of a lot of them I think. #
- @Grumpy_Stumpy_ I know those dudes! Great guys. #
- @skumfck Never done either. I don't think it's for me. #
- @LizzieBacon My dad's always had a moustache so I don't think I'd ever do that; I just couldn't look in the mirror and see myself haha #
- @dudismedeiros Prometheus was a great story, brilliantly shot, and really bad science. Really didn't care about the last bit though. #
- @CricketlovesFOB I mean, it's cool, people like what they like. I got tired of wearing them though, so I won't. #
- @erinpanics Love rain. #
- @janepurdom I get that a lot! I friggin' love Ireland! #
- @hedi98 Thank you! I've never really played my own songs in my free time. It's like working at a cafe; You don't make coffee at home haha #
- @sarahjordanx3 It was kind of about a guy who gave up figuring out how to stand up for himself. I dunno, just trying something out I guess. #
- @katiedontcry If they asked me to. #
- @xDawnAshtonx Nope #
- @giveclaraenvy Constantly. Or that somebody else looks like me. I think I must have a pretty standard face haha #
- @_squishyface More things about my friends. #
- @Starryniqht I never really liked the way it looked but if I were feeling especially lazy I probably would haha #
- @bettinaFob I have no reason to believe it'll end but if it does, c'est la vie. "Just keep swimming." #
- @VishRapha Never seen it #
- @MaxineRadsack Yeah, tons of things. #
- @Folie4Deux Definitely. #
- @AmberPaske Well thanks. The different styles of music I was always doing so that's nothing new to me, just never got released #
- @AmberPaske The weight loss, it's funny, I feel more like myself again is all. #
- @SinnerYeah "Have a rat gnaw that thing off your face..." great movie. #
- @Snazzy_Lazzy New songs, definitely. I'm not into being an oldies act. But we'd always play older songs along with new ones. #
- @Snazzy_Lazzy There's no amount of money that could make me want to just live in the past. #
- @CMSkellington I have one kicking around but it's a secret :) #
- @bettinaFob I try not to get too focused on pride. I just try to enjoy the moment and be grateful with what I've got. 3
- @upperclassmen Killin guys! Keep at it. #
- @meganfob Nope #
- @quiggles98 since 2001 so 11 years I think. #
- @thisisdyane I didn't go. I blew it off to play an FOB show. #
- @Glambert_SOAD Nope; I don't dance to music unless I'm performing it. #
- @CrissCross9421 There are many shades of both culture's comedy (and many more kinds of American than "Slapstick"). I like lots of both. #
- @b3Live3r Toss up; Both fun #
- @AmyRandomQueen That'd be a dream of mine, we'll see #
- @SwiftieKilljoy I don't, I've just never watched it. I know the dude that voices him used to be on Mr. Show (which I loved). #
- @connorbradleyTM Well that's good to hear I think #
- @iilooveemusic Music questions are more fun (ones that aren't about "Favorites," or future plans, just cause I can't answer those really) #
- @_JodieCooper I like acting and I see every time I've been lucky enough to do it as a learning experience. #
- @omfgalara_ My dad always had one around when I was little #
- @SwiftieKilljoy It's actually 2 separate songs; I should've made it more obvious. #
- @justlikeagemxox I dunno but I was never really fond of "Stump," or "Stumph." But it's part of me I guess so I'll keep it #
- @FoberAtTheDisco There's too many to narrow down individual favorites for me. #
- @FallOutBoy_INA Definitely but it's pretty early yet to say. #
- @AlliePacanovsky As soon as one's done. #
- @priss_nash I never stopped and never will. #
- @A_Reckless_Cat I think I'm pretty biased on the Chicago tip... #
- @RitalinAfterFOB I just wear what I wear, the only major difference between now and then is hats. #
- @PatrickSBrasil None of my friends do, so it's up to you. I don't mind though. #
- @AoifeFromMars Bowie and Star Wars. #
- @LeanneJFletcher On the floor of a trailer that I didn't know was covered in cat poop. I turned my pillow over and it was all over it... #
- @LeanneJFletcher I'm crazy allergic to cats so I was too stuffed up to smell it. #
- @SaraShaynee I just say "Treat how you want to be treated," musician or otherwise. #
- @celtic_cookie Both are good choices. Or Museum of Science and Industry if you haven't been. #
- @ThaiPeteWentz I've never worn makeup and I don't think it's very me. #
- @bbmadrid13 Too much for a tweet #
- @ChioStumper I've got a temper for sure. #
- @GeorgieInTheSky I have to write them down. #
- @HannahTastiic I feel like they're different worlds; I like what I've seen of the rest of Illinois, but I can't say I know it well. #
- @EarthToJaaaaaay The hair/makeup person in the photo shoot. #
- @BeckySoulPunk No but I have literally no idea how to respond. #
- @Holayoexisto_ I like music; I don't care much about genre. #
- @DeafeningQuill "Bad Side of 25," isn't technically on the record, but that one. #
- @BeckySoulPunk Yup. #
- @HJattheDisco yup #
- @brokencity_sky They're just totally different. #
- @ciaragavin I don't know either of those people and even if I did I wouldn't feel entitled to have an opinion. Private=private. #
- @fueledbyross Yeah, I definitely like to try different things. #
- @BrianBeckford Nope. I don't see that story going beyond that. I'm writing something new though. #
- @PatrickSBrasil If I ever got the opportunity, that'd be great. #
- @TessRiva Well thank you. I've never been much of a picture guy. I don't document anything. #
- @justlikeagemxox Clothes? #
- @TAY__KING No! Not stupid, just saying it's on there ahaha #
- @DeafeningQuill Yup. On every record I've made since Infinity. #
- @gh0stofyou That's not true: There's never been a time-frame/plan to it. #
- @Famous_LastWord On one instrument I could make more/new songs. One instrument. #
- @alanaaxley Yup #
- @FOBiscatesOn Yeah I had nothing to do with that #
- @_Finchmeister Take a picture, then shave it off. #
- @Hey_There_Sarah I mean, as long as I'm physically able #
- @ChildOfVamps That's super mean! Tell your mom not to be so mean to you. #
- @JoinTheDreamers The King of Pop? I love singing "Remember the Time." I would've loved to hear him sing "What a Catch," #
- @InfinityKillj0y I don't want to say it cause I don't want to hurt anybody's feelings if they like it. #
- @Lady_Of_Venom Nope; I care about knowing the art more than the artist. #
- @Karyhellyeah I'd rather be playing drums #
- @LauraLightman "Birdland," by Weather Report #
- @_falldownboy Nope #
- @fleurl0uisa Good dude #
- @VictoriaPonce17 It was about a death in the family #
- @Corrin_2019 I don't have one stuck in my head at the moment. #
- @allthedelights A nice cool humid breeze #
- @Serena_Leto I literally don't have a clue what that question means. #
- @Patricks_Bowtie Daily. I just always felt like performance is something worth dressing up for. #
- I like all the wrong things about you for all the right reasons 😍 #
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twitter: pete,
twitter: patrick