Oct 05, 2011 07:06
- @jonodiener haha. Never #
- @systemsoverload how was it? #
- @Scott_Ian amazing #
- @systemsoverload I want to someday #
- @mike_kratz deal. I agree with that #
- Getting ready for 35 hrs+ of travel. Can't wait! Got my shows, comics and books. Plenty of time to get shit done #
- @_RainyDayKid_ my iPad. So a billion books #
- @TasFlood yes #
- @_RainyDayKid_ you would be if you toured. you get used to them #
- @_RainyDayKid_ agreed. when I'm home, it's all real books #
- @JenniferRaff thank you. i will #
- @dana_r @systemsoverload I think I do get home same day. Amazing time travel powers #
- @Laurenlikesya I did. Thanks for watching. Be back as soon I hope #
- @FOBorEnemies awesome #
- @KiriLizz glad I could make your day:) #
- @dearsammi7 millions of time to talk to you:) #
- @benwillkommen @systemsoverload no, real d&d this weekend #
- @systemsoverload yeah. I'm unimpressed #
- Nice outfit! UGH http://instagr.am/p/PHvpq/ #
- @jonodiener oh hey, it's yew #
- @LeeGallows I've been working on a German electro version called "Vas is das?" #
- Remember? www.merchline.com/sonofman #
- @orangeampsAR Dudes don't count! Dudes don't count! Dudes don't count! #
- That dick skin parties! RT @theunzippedfly: Police Find Crack #Cocaine In Foreskin http://fb.me/Opr3q4d3 #
- Jeff Buckley a cappella cover "Everybody Here Wants You" on @VillageVoice / @soundofthecity http://bit.ly/qnJUSb #
- Way early for such traffic Los Angeles or maybe right on time. #
- confession: when i cant sleep i cant stand it that other people are asleep. #
- @skeetonmytwitts trick question the iphone 5 will bring world peace. #
- @JaredgarciaLv thanks for having me. #
- @BalladOfSighs @RyBlackinton we collectively shit ourselves. #
- @Jakethepotato the truth in the form of boogers. #
- @MADSTEEZ @DCMA_Collective dont tempt us. #
- ate some philly rolls. this sushi is making me feel like the illest motherfucker alive - in the worst way right now. #
- @DJRumspringa pizzzzza party! #
- @Hdubblebubble not according to andrew wentzs grocery runs. #
- as a rule every house would be infinitely cooler with the installation of a zip line. #
- @NadinePena i hope hooking up this drive mask goes smoother than me cutting the ribbon on the chicfila. #
- @crystalleigh "proof i got my swagger back" @youngbodies play repeat play #
- @RyBlackinton "im gonna break my own heart and tell you how it feels..." #
- @SethGreen holy shiiiitttttt zipline over the traffic on mulholland! #
- @SethGreen im making a teflon suit as we speak. #
- bout to storm the castle, heres to hoping there is no moat. #
- @SabiSoundz dur too laaaaate! #
- @ohnoashleycat tomorrow i will make the call i was supposed to make last week and today #
- you deserve three stacks of andres. #
The Damned Things
- Our song "Trophy Widow" from the Batman: Arkham City Soundtrack is available today on iTunes! Download it here: http://bit.ly/n5HLZ7 #
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