I love you all so much! Best 3 days of my life! Best moments of my life! And all thanks to you guys! I love you Mods! And I miss all your faces already<333 (And just in case anyone is wondering who the crying girl is in that second last picture... that'd be me)
I'm still so ridiculously happy we enabled you to come along (I'm pretty sure I told insomnia that you were coming to all three shows, you just didn't know it yet) and so ridiculously happy for you. Team crazyface is a family and I'm glad you're part of it. ♥
Because I was going to make it true. Eventually you will all learn that when I say something is going to happen, it's going to happen. Even if I have to drive to _________ and put whoever in my car to make it happen.
Dude, I just read your recaps on tumblr. You are seriously the most precious and adorable. I am keeping you forever. Don't worry. I promise to take you to all of the shows.
(And just in case anyone is wondering who the crying girl is in that second last picture... that'd be me)
Honestly, I'm surprised I haven't been axe murdered or something yet with how often I let strangers in my car.
Honestly, I'm a little surprised that you haven't accidentally picked up Gabe or someone. At this point, it seems likely enough.
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