I know a guy who has been to a dozen Gallagher comedy shows sitting very close to the front row. He told me once that he had a lot of fun at the first 11, by holding up the tarp everytime Gallagher would break something with his sledgehammer forcing it to fly all over the audience, but he didn’t feel like he connected with Gallagher, it lacked the full experience for him.
But only on his 12th show, when he forgot his tarp at home, and the exploding chunks of pineapple, tomato and watermelon found its way onto his skin did he actually feel like he was one with Gallagher. Like he was answered by someone he looked up to and had been praising for so many years to his doubting friends. The wounds of broken fruit told him to stick around. He was liked. He was appreciated.
I made that whole story up. OBVIOUSLY nobody I know goes to Gallagher shows.
Posted by: Jensen