Hillary: Deceiving, in Denial, and a Dissapointing Dem

May 28, 2008 14:45

--A short catch up--
In the latest political news, the Democratic National Committee meets tomorrow to discuss a resolution towards the Florida and Michigan delegates.

For those of you who are more mainstream in their interests, you may or may not know that both states broke many rules and planned primary elections ahead of Super Tuesday (Feb. 5th) despite warnings from the DNC (who oversees primary selections). With self-assurance and selfishness, primaries continued underway. In response the DNC punished Florida and Michigan saying that their votes would not count, that officially both states had 0 delegates. All presidential candidates signed an agreement that the votes would not count, and Obama (among others) went as far as removing his name from the voting booth in Michigan. Results, Hillary won a slight majority in Michigan, but 40% of voters voted "uncommitted", implying they supported a candidate NOT on the ticket. In Florida, thanks to name recognition, with no campaigning Clinton won 49.8% of votes to Obama's 32.9% and Edwards' 14.4%.
--Back to the present--

So, today, Hillary decided to write a letter to superdelegates to suggest that

1) Barack Obama would LOSE the election in November, based on pick-and-choose polls 6 months in advance.
2) She was more electable.
3) She had won the popular vote (if you count Florida and Michigan and exclude caucus states which she did poorly in)
4) She had more primary delegates (again, she criticizes caucuses as being undemocratic)
5) One reason she stays in the race is for the 90 year old women who will never have another chance to vote for a woman for president.

Distortion of facts, perhaps? Let's examine.

Any political analyst knows that polls 6 months in advance are too premature to predict anything. Period. Also, there are a number of factors that have to be considered when viewing these poll numbers and comparing Obama vs. McBush and Hillary vs. McSame. First, Obama essentially dropped his campaign against Hillary a month ago to focus on the presumptive Republican nominee. McCain (oh dear, did I Freudian slip earlier?) has shifted into focus against Obama, who he believes will win the primaries. In essence, Hillary continues to run unopposed while Obama faces two candidates (three if you include President Bill Clinton) criticizing him left and right. Is it any wonder why her positive numbers are higher than one might expect? And despite multiple opponents, Obama continues to outfundraise and beat his opponents in elections and in polling. Continuing, she suggests that Obama will LOSE. This, in fact, is a down right lie. Obama in most polls, is still beating John McCain. She argues and manipulates information to suggest she will win battleground states that Obama cannot, including Ohio, and Pennsylvania. She fails to mention that Obama is ahead of his opponent in these polls. She also fails to mention that Obama will carry states she has no chance at winning, like Colorado, Wisconsin, Iowa, Oregon, Washington, Minnesota, and Virginia. These are all states she does not win in. Even if Clinton wins Florida, Obama more than makes up for it with states that believe in turning the page in American Politics.

Did I mention that, among other evidence Clinton uses to support her letter, Clinton utilizes an election map from KARL ROVE!

Karl Rove, the Republican strategist who was the "architect" behind President Bush's elections.
Karl Rove, the Republican genius who assured everyone that Republicans would gain House seats in 2006 (they lost).
Karl Rove, the man who was issued a subpoena for abusing his powers to convict a Democratic governor on charges that were later proved to be false, all for political reasons.
Karl Rove, the man who leaked a secret identity of a CIA employee as retalliation for his criticizing Bush's administration.
Karl Rove, the Republican who is an informal advisor John McCain.
Karl Rove, who passionately wants a Republican back in the White House, and will eagerly fight Democrats.

Yes, this is the source of Clinton's information. She has also said that Fox News was the only fair and balanced media station on air. What the Hell is that all about, Senator Clinton? I don't know a single person who thinks Fox News is fair nor balanced. Don't believe me? Here's a few of a myriad of sources.

This is what Democratic Senator Clinton uses as her information. Does she realize that Obama is the frontrunner, and these resources are devoted to bringing him down for McCain? She has got to be kidding me.

What's more, is that she claims to have the popular vote. Only if you exclude certain caucus states which she did poorly in, include Florida and Michigan, which gives Obama 0 votes because his name wasn't on the ballot. What's more is that you also have to close your eyes, tap your shoes, and say "there's no place like denial" for this to happen. As an extention of her hatred towards caucus states, she ignores their votes, their voices, and their delgates when she claims to have won the most "primary delegates". Again, manipulation of facts to support her rise to power.

Interesting to note, Florida which gave her a beauty-contest victory (re: no campaigning), has her barely edging out Obama and Edwards (Edwards endorsed Obama months after the Florida contest). If you do the math, she would have won marginally, 49.8% to 47.3%. Imagine what would have done with campaigning, where statistically Obama always dramatically increases his numbers. Consider he is young and relatively unknown, going against the wife of a former PRESIDENT. With no campaigning, and a "funny" name like Barack Obama, is it any wonder why political junkies find this an unfair contest, and therefore an inaccurate representation of Clinton's support in Florida? Nevertheless, she insists on using this information without explaining the facts.

So, when all is said and done, she believes that Obama, while ahead of her by 200 delgates, with only a few contests remaining, does not deserve the nomination. She refuses to accept a mathmatical impossibility that echos in a roar to her. Her supporters acknowledge the race is over, Bush's third term (McCain) doesn't acknowledge her campaign. And so, days ago, she also reminds America that a reason she stays in the race is that Robert Kennedy was assassinated as a nominee in June, and certainly that could happen to Obama. That, Senator Clinton, as Keith Olbermann says, is simply Unforgiveable.

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Hillary's sending a protest rally to the DNC on Saturday to try to ensure Michigan and Florida delgates are reinstated at 100%. The rumors are that votes will count at 50% as a compromise. Obama has asked his supporters to NOT counter protest, because creating chaos is not the solution. Hillary ignores "the greater good of the party" and continues down her selfish path to failure. As she continues to divide the party into political demise, her cynicism towards Obama belies her empty promises of coming together as Democrats, as does her comment months ago that McCain would be better suited for President than Obama. Picking and chosing information to support your case and return to power. It's no wonder she has supported Karl Rove documents, her campaign has been taking pages from his playbook for months.

Get over it, Hillary. You're not the nominee, despite the fact that a year ago, you were up by 20-30 points in EVERY state in those polls you so adore.
You are not ahead, no matter how much your fuzzy math tries to say otherwise.
Your scare tactics and lies (Bin Laden in an ad, Bosnia gunfire, etc.), former baggage (too much to type here), and pitiful showmanship and loyalty to the Democratic party have me disgusted. I used to have the utmost respect for Senator Clinton. Now, I find myself praying that she, no....Billary, doesn't find some way to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Let's end this, and I hope that the party unifies behind Obama, and united we will stand to a new era without the Karl Roves, without the Bushes, and without the cynicism and closed doors that have guided American politicians for generations. Can we? Yes, we can.
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