Week from Hell, part deux

Aug 15, 2007 16:54

Picking up where I left off from my last entry......

So yeah...Fan belt - $192 for part and installation.  And he realized it was a SEAT belt that we needed.  So yeah, that actually comes out to $350 for part and installation.  For one seat belt.  Can you believe that?  So I call my mom, who just got the bill for Andy's tuition, and she really suggests me trying to get it inspected at a place that's not nation wide...You know, a little ma and pa shop.  So, I go to the...lower income part of town, to get it looked at.  My mom says North side of Chadbourne for this place, so I go to the far north end of chadbourne.  I call my mom to get the address again, and she looks up the address.  It's on N. Chadbourne street, but the completely opposite side of town (the first block, 2nd building, of N. Chadbourne, actually).  Damn.  Anyways, I finally get there, 30 minutes later, and the first question he asks is for proof of insurance.  DAMNIT!  I cleaned out my car to take it to the dealer for the seat belt installation, and I took out all of the papers and receipts, which is where my insurance was because I had to give it to the municipal court people.  So, I drove all the way home, found my card, and drove back again.  An hour later than it should have been, he begins to check it.  It passes inspection, of course.

So as he's going to activate the tag, his computer shows a red flag on my car.  Apparantely, effective August 1st, their systems are completely integrated now (whereas they never were before), and it showed that I failed inspection.  13 days ago and this wouldn't have been an issue.  Damn.  So, it costs $14.50 pass or fail now, so it was another $15.00 down the drain and we ended up having to pay for the seat belt anyway.  So I get home and start to write this blog, and Glenn gets into a wreck.  His car is totaled.  Totally the other guy's fault, though.  They're all okay, though - no serious injuries or anything.  Just sore from airbags and such.

Anywho, the last two days since have been dealing with phone calls to the insurance company, which has been its own pain.  I don't have the strength to write any more about this week, but it's been stuff like this every day.  And anyone who's dealt with someone else's insurance when they don't want to take liability for two totaled cars knows what this is like.  It's grinding teeth with used sandpaper and fingernails screeching across chalkboards with yip dogs in full force while waiting for paint to dry.  Seriously.

Now, we gotta get a new car for the bf, which sucks hardcore, unless we find a really great deal.  There's actually a potentially really great one, but we'll have to see if it turns out to be a bust or really great opportunity.  And my entire week is almost gone, and I had to flake out on Central High School's band camp, and I have absolutely zero more vacation time before school starts.  Anyways, I gotta get back to my duties as chaperone for my carless boyfriend (using my mom's almost dead car to do so!), and then get started on some composing projects and cleaning house.
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