Nov 02, 2004 19:32
So I'm still in Florida I've moved 7 times in 2 weeks. Its hard living out of a red back pack and eating ar,y meals everyday. On the other hand I'm having a blast!!! I just finished up work today tarping this crazy lady's house. SHe put a fan outside to cool us off while we chainsawed her trees. Odd ball. Hey burnersix I bet I live real close to you right now! I'm 10 mins away from Gainsville.
So tonight all my washington friends are heading back home and are done working with fema for a while. Sadness I will miss them sooo freakin much. I hung out with them all till 3 last night and tonight they are all throwing me a "surprise" party for my birthday. Apollo gave me a wicked cool present. I think I'm gonna spend 2 weeks out there and Jay, Ben, Apollo and Nigel all said that I could live with them (they all happen to live together) I can't wait I'm gonna take a massive road trip I think I have a freind in every state now so I'll have places to crash at ngiht.
Shit here is a little fucked up some of my best friends have left the program and going home. Andrea is really thinking about it when I went to see her this weekend she told me to find a town that I want to go to college in and she'll find a job in that town so we can live together.
Our team is at whits end... I miss non-americorps people. I used to get letters and what not but they all stoped. Oh well I still send them out. My birthday is coming up on thurs and I'm super happy about it I think I might actaully get a cake. I miss real food so much. I think our team is ready to kill each other. IN our new house we have to shower together, That's right kids. We don't have sepret showers so you shower with your team mates and after 15 hours of work in the sun all day it gets pretty damn hot and you feel like shit and deep fried. So you have to take a shower. I guess its a good way to get to know each other. I've become the back rubber for my team if only I had someone that would rub mine for me. Apollo used to but now he's off soon so I miss out.
Well kids I'm a a college lib. and they don't seem to be to happy that we are chillin here lots and the election is on and I have a birthday day with the washington crew ... so I'm out
I love that I get to have 3 birthdays this year! Everything is swell.