About my fandoms

Dec 29, 2006 23:25

I snagged this from salivia_baker. Thought it's a nice idea to comment on the shows/movies I love.

Buffy )

star wars, star trek, stargate atlantis, tv shows, meme, firefly, movies, fandom

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icecream_junkie December 30 2006, 21:17:23 UTC
Und mein Semesterticket reicht bis Paderborn (da studierst du doch, oder?). *lol*

You're right, It's VOY. I totally forgot about that. That's how long I haven't watched Star Trek and especially VOY. TNG is on TV all the time but the other shows haven't been on in like forever.
Btw way, nope, 1984. So I was 11 when it started but turned 12 a few month afterwards.

I knew you'd love my "twin". *g*
And she would love your last comment. It brought me closer to actually considering McShep. I'm doomed... *lol*
I should make sure the two of you never meet. ;-)

I think you're right about the writers. That's why I'd never want any pairing I really like to become cannon before the show is basically over. Once it's cannon all the writers can do is ruin it.
It's also why I hate pairings like Seven/Chakotay. They never made it believable. They came together out of the blue for no aparent reason. That's not how it should be.
I really think writers shouldn't try to do anything for the fans. They just screw it up.

As you mentioned Carson... I read somewhere that he had more appearences when he wasn't main cast than when he was. So where's the point in making him part of the main cast?
I still hate that they take him off the show though. I LOVE that accent!
End of Spoiler

As for fanfiction in general (no matter witch pairing):
I think it's hard to find a good fic these days. Most people don't even have their fics beta read. Is it so hard to wait one or two weeks to make sure the result is better?
And there are some fics this world really doesn't need. For example everything that's just porn with no plot at all. Why do I need to read fanfiction for that? No thanks.


salivia_baker December 31 2006, 15:55:23 UTC
ja tu ich :)

I don't watch TV that much and they are showing the show not in order and such so I wait for the DVDs.
I got TNG (complleat) and DS9 (1-5) at home (+ TAS) so I don't miss it all that much, besides I'm not into it anymore as used to be. I'm too busy with other shows.
which doesn't hold me back on starting a ST comm (men_of_trek^^

Yeah that'S why I am not that excited to see pairings on TV, there are so few good ones (beliveable, interesting). Doc/Seven woudl have been great or Chacotey/Janeway, it was there and even if it wouldn't had work it woudl have given teh show more stuff to deal with. how it is to work together, maybe a depression, or he's for example always on a mission to stay away from her, whatever. Y'know, taht is what I hate about VOY it got potential and they didn't use it, like in ENT.

I think writers should stay true to teh ytory, within it. And if it fits they coudl make lil things for the fans (or big ones) but not exculivly and without checking if it's inteloligent to do so.

I mean John kisisng Teyla WTF? Why? just to show it's not his bahaviour? he just acts a bit strange but not OOC and for me (it doesn't matter if there is a feeling or not for Teyla) that was just OOC.

you don't have to mark spoilers for me ;) well they aren't take him off the show, afaik he isn't a regular anymore plus we don't have a garantuee he is there anymore with it was as head of med dep. SO he might going to be offworld somewhere to guard Wraith or whatever so he might come back. and even so, I say: if it fits to the story yes. I could really picture Carson in an epi where he relizes hwo he changed and that he decides to go back on earth because he can't do this anymore. that would be the best thing, I say. But I don't think about it, we will see.

And for accent, watch chasing the deer^^

the problem is people can't write and do it nonseless, that's why I stoped reading them in german, in english I more focused on understaning it^^
and for PWP storys.. I love them *g* it's quite relaxing not to worry about teh story ;)
But I like actually PWP storys only if you still have them into charcter and between all the sex stuff there might be coming some really good thoughts.

beta--well betas onyl look wor typos and such, they don't give that much advice, besides people tell teh other peopel how good they are and such when I would prefer to bathe in hot oil neitehr to read the story again.


icecream_junkie December 31 2006, 16:49:35 UTC
Star Trek on DVD... Maybe I'll own Voyager one day. Well, once I'm a millionair that is. :-( They are so expensive. I'm not paying 100 Euro per season. There are just to much seasons and shows. So no Star Trek on DVD for me so far. *cry*

J/C So,so... *lol*
Yeah, I would have loved to see some more J/C on VOY. As long as Jeri Taylor worked as producer for the show there where hints towards that pairing. Once she was gone it was never mentioned again.

As far as John's behaviour in "Conversion" goes... Him attacking Elisabeth was a sign for him not being himself. In that scene you saw that he wasn't really himself but tried his best to keep himself in control. That kiss really was just OOC and unneccessary. They already had other scenes showing the same thing without John being OOC.
(And no, that's not just because I prefer ShWeir over Sheyla. Would have said the same if he kissed Heightmeier or Cadman.)

Yup, I just read FFs on English as well. Once I started to read SGA fics on English they just sounded wrong on German. *lol*

As for betas: I know they usually just spellcheck. But that's one step towards the right direction. I mean, a story can be great but I wouldn't read it if there are too many words wrong or missing. I mean if you have to guess what the author wanted to write more than you're actually able to read the story that's just no fun.

I also hate stories which are never finished. That's just plain mean for everybody who started reading them. ;-)

With some fics it's just like with DSDS (German version of American Idol) castings. People publish their work and think it's awesome just because "friends" told them it would be.
Reality is that they where just afraid to tell their friends to their face that their stories are bullshit.
Another problem is probably age. A lot of ff-authors are still quite young. That's not a bad thing. We all have been younger. ;-) But when I look back on the JC-stuff I wrote when I was younger it's mostly really embarassing. When you're older you have other expectations towards the stuff you're reading/writing.

As for people telling others how awesome their stories are... I really apreciated it when I got an honest review for one of my stories last week.
I mean I'm glad to hear people like my stories. Who isn't? But only constructiv criticism helps me improve my writing.


salivia_baker December 31 2006, 17:41:47 UTC
Well it's 60€ now and I always have one season on my wishlist so to every christmas, name's day and birthday I got a season. So you see I'm on it for years ;)
This (upcoming) year I am gonna finish DS9 finally! *yay*
But if you wanne see teh DVD, you can come down to me ^^

a HINT? are you kidding me? it was spellt out! it is canon. Like Jack/Sam on SG-1.
Remember that episode tehy were left behin on that planet?

jep unnessesary and OCC. (I am so glad you don't call it Sparky! *lol*) that scene with Weir was very good, or with "made a new friend" and breaking the window.
I think they needed a "start" and it wasn't enought to let him discover his new attachements or that he kick Teyla's ass.

Well I watch SGA in english so them speaking german is so strange, I can't read it for that matter alone even if it were brilliant because the charcters don't speak german

I knwo what DSDS is ;) Don't watch it but I know what it is.
Well yehah that too btu i mean also people who read it. tehy just look on the story and not how it's written. But my standart is higher there and I knwo that I am very very picky, even don't like my own work sometimes (ok more that sometimes^^) and that most of teh people like most of the stuff so I don't argue or something. I just don't read it.
You know it'S just a bit.. well I am uncomfortable with criticize people because I think I am a bit too extreme there, so I tell peopel "ok I read it but in your interest don't ask me to say something about it" ;)
But in reverse i hate itif people just tellme "nice" I want to have it very hard and in teh face. There are always things I could have done better and I'd like to pointed that out and maybe get an idea how to make it better.. well.. no still waiting for such a reader ;)


icecream_junkie January 1 2007, 14:34:36 UTC
VOY is still 100 Euro. And it's the only Star Trek Show I really NEED on DVD. I mean, yeah, owning the other shows would be nice, but I can live without them.

I knew there was a good thing about being Catholic. You guys get presents tree times a year... ;-)

Oh yeah, "Resolutions" best VOY episode ever (after "Year of Hell" that is). Squeed through the whole ep. *lol*
But that's exactly what I mean. Throughout the whole show it was pretty obvious they had this thing for each other (for example the ep. "Coda" where Janeway "dies" in Chakotay's arms). And in the end he ends up with Seven out of nowhere. Why? Writers should just not try to do the audience or the actors a favour. That just ruins everything.

Yeah, I know. I usually like what I wrote after I finished writing (not always though ^^) but a week later I start to think "Why did you write this crap." A couple of years later I'm totally embarrassed by what I wrote. *lol*


salivia_baker January 1 2007, 19:13:09 UTC
We should go to the SFF *lol* then maybe I get my promotion *g*

ah, wait a bit longer, then it's getting to be 60^^

well yes btu not all catholics do that and actually we get less to birthday and christmas then. it's a certain among of money get spend and when it's verteilt auf 3 feste anstatt auf 2, dann bekommt man eben weniger. Ist ja auchso bei Kommunion und Firmung anstatt Konfirmation.

Janeway dies? I really have to watch that show again *lol*

Jap seven/chak is like snagged from a FF :P

I even hate it during writing, I only can't write it in another way which would suite me so it stays like that


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