SGA FanFic: All I want for Christmas (2/3)

Dec 23, 2007 17:44

Disclaimer: Stargate Atlantis and it's characters are property of MGM. I'm just borrowing it. No money made, no copyright infragment intended.
Title: All I want for Christmas - Part 2
Author: IceCream Junkie
Author's website: icecream_junkie
Summary: It had taken him a while to figure out what to get her for Christmas.
Pairings/Main characters: Colonel John Sheppard (implied Colonel John Sheppard/Dr. Elizabeth Weir)
Rating: G
Genre: General
Warnings: none
Spoilers: none
Beta: xfirefly9x
Author's Notes: Part five of the December Series.

All I want for Christmas - Part 2
by icecream_junkie

It had taken him a while to figure out what to get her for Christmas.

During their first year he had given her that Athosian pot for her birthday. Back then the gesture itself had meant more then the actual present.

But the longer he knew her, the harder it was to find a suitable present for her.

He knew he could always get her flowers or jewellery. Women always liked that kind of stuff. But he didn’t want to get her just something. John found himself wanting to get Elizabeth a gift that would mean something to her. He wanted to get her something she wanted. The ultimate gift so to speak.

And since everything was better than to think about his motives, he blamed Rodney and his questions about what to get Katie.

John had finally figured out what to get her when he noticed the longing glance she threw out of the window from time to time.

Now he just had to figure out how exactly he could get it to Atlantis and how to keep it from melting once he got it into the city without Elizabeth noticing what was going on.

There was only one person who could help him. And that person conveniently owed him one.

John entered the laboratory. “Hey Rodney, I was just in the mess hall and thought I’d bring you some jello...”

stargate atlantis, sparky, fanfiction

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