Disclaimer: Stargate Atlantis and it's characters are property of MGM. I'm just borrowing it. No money made, no copyright infragment intended.
Title: What it's all about
Author: IceCream Junkie
Author's website:
icecream_junkieSummary: Teyla gets to know the meaning of Christmas.
Pairings/Main characters: Teyla Emmagan
Rating: G
Genre: General
Warnings: none
Spoilers: none
miss_izzlesAuthor's Notes: Second part of
the December Series, a series of short SGA Christmas ficlets.
What it's all about
icecream_junkie John and Rodney had tried to explain to her what this Christmas that their people celebrated once a year was all about. But all she understood from their babbling - which soon turned into an argument as both men tried to convince the other of their own opinion - was that one gets presents and eats a lot, because once upon a time a virgin got pregnant.
It was Elizabeth who finally told her the real meaning of the holiday: spending time with the ones you love, your family; and celebrating love and peace.
That was something Teyla and her people could relate to. After running from the Wraith all the time, peace was indeed worth celebrating.