Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End

May 24, 2007 04:21

I just came back from the "Pirates of the Caribbean" Triple Feature which ended with the prepremiere of "Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End".

In the beginning it took a little getting used to the dubbing again. When I watched the movies (part 1 and 2 that is) on DVD, I always watched it on English. So hearing the characters speak German with a voice that's, well, just not their's was weired.
But, oh well, it's better to watch them like that then not to watch them at all, isn't it? ;-)
And the English showings won't start until June 7th. :-( Sometimes it really sucks to live in Germany...

Anyway, just being in the movie theatre was awesome. For example, in the first part, when Jack Sparrow appears for the first time (the scene where you first see him on his... um... "ship" *rofl*) everybody just started to applaud. And that wasn't the only time during those three movies. *grin*
The atmosphere simply was awesome and already worth being there and paying 16 bucks (which is kind of ouchy, but then, it's for 3 movies and it's not something you do every day).

Anyway, as always, I really liked part 1 but thought part 2 sucked. I mean, nice movie, but simply because Jack Sparrow is in it and also because I can stare at Jack Davenport through most of it. *grins sheepishly*
I really do like the "pirate" version of Norrington (after he took a bath that is). *sighs dreamily* I still feel like in the end of part 1 where Elizabeth broke his heart someone should go and comfort him. Who? Um... I'd volunteer! *lol*
Well, one thing I don't like about the second part is Elizabeth's role in it. She is just annoying. Seemed like Keira Knightley was only in the whole movie so guys would have a reason to go and watch it without falling asleep during it.

Um... ok, maybe I make part 2 sound worse than it actually is...

But anyway, after knowing what I think about the second part, it won't surprise anyone if I say I had mixed feelings about the third part. On one hand it could well be better then the second part since that really dissappointed me. But on the other hand it might as well be even worse. Sequels do have a reputation for not living up to expectations if the first part was awesome.

That is definitely something you cannot say for "Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End".
It sure was an awesome movie!
I mean, of cause, no sequel will ever top the first part. But that's simply because seeing Jack Sparrow for the first time was... *rofl* It's still funny afterwards (I can't even count anymore just how often I watched "The Curse of the Black Pearl"), but it's not as hillarious as the first time simply because you know it already.

Anyway, about "Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End":
under cut'>I won't reveal any big spoilers since - oh well - then you wouldn't need to go and see the movie anymore. And I think you really should go and see it. ;-)

It's great that this time Elizabeth's role is actually quite nice again. She's a bitch and that's awesome since I prefer bitchy woman over the damsel in distress kind of girl.

Oh yeah, and I do like Jack's father.
"How's mum?" *rofl*

Anyway (I'm writing that a lot tonight), I hate it that Norrington dies. I mean, it's great that he has this tragic hero death, but... no more Norrington/Jack Davenport! *sobbs*
It was pretty obvious what would happen, so I clung to zoe_tyval's arm mumbling about how he just can't die because I wouldn't have any eyecandy anymore (well, besides Johnny Depp).
I'm still wondering where that behavour came from. Here I am, usually thinking about myself as grown up and then I'm acting like a squeeing fangirl... Those sparky-loveing girls on the FF.net forum must be contagious... (*lol*)

Oh and one more thing. If you go see the movie you should stay until the credits are through (is that how you say it?) because like in part 1 & 2 there's one more scene after that. It's a cute little scene which is the real end to the movie - and the triology if you might say so.


Ok, I'm going to bed now. And I'm soooo not going to class tomorrow. If I would, I would need to get up in about 3 hours. That's just not possible. I'm not even (really) tired yet (just a little ;-) ), but staying up isn't an option either. My first class is really boring, so I might literally fall asleep and that would not be good at all. ;-)

Oh crap! The birds just started singing outside my window... I should really go to sleep now...

pirates of the caribbean, movies

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