It's summer time [at least from where I am now], so I thought, what better way to beat the heat than heat itself?
Okay, I've been under the weather lately.... But as I was cleaning my old folders and files, (because of my extensive picstash my laptop has become real slow) I saw these old DBSK pics when they were in Bora Bora. It kind of lifted my mood a little bit. Yes, I'm THAT shallow lol.
Okay, seriously Jaejoong. Don't you know that ONLY swimming trunks are allowed in the pool??
Junsu showing off his famous S line. *sings shake what yo momma gave ya!*
From left to right: Jaejoong, Junsu (not sure, he's wearing goggles), Changmin, Yunho, Micky is M.I.A.
DBSK sunburned.
Okay, so technically this isn't a pool area but whatevs. Changmin emerging from the water = NOSEBLEED.
Yunho's infamous "manboobs."
Of course, nothing makes me happier than 2PM! Here are some photos of them lounging around the pool when they visited Thailand and some from their energy song.
Chansung testing the waters.
The boys are wearing TOO much! Tsk!
Oh dorky Taec.
I swear, Kun and Junsu's hair have this amazing ability to stay nice and madeup even under water.
There's nothing like seeing grown men and pink floaties.
Who would you like to go on a pool party with?
DBSK, because they can sing underwater and they have a dolphin as a member
2PM, because they can do acrobatics and synchronized swimming underwater
Bonus points if you guess who this is!
[HINT: He's a Super Junior member]
credits: forum.whatsubb.com, evon.saramin.co.kr (for 2PM)