New JLU Community

Sep 25, 2008 21:37

Hey all. As usual, here I am procrastinating anything that has to do with homework. So for the past few hours, I've been surfing through various communities that have to do with the Justice League. There are many, yes, but I want to find one that concentrates mostly on fanfictions of the DCAU, and more specifically the Justice League and Justice League Unlimited cartoon shows. There are a few, but they aren't too active.

So basically what I'm trying to say is, if I created a community like this, would anyone be interested in joining it? I don't want to make one, get a few members who are active at first and then forget about it, and then the community is dead. That's no fun. If anyone is as obsessive as me about the JLU, then you should join. I just think it's so uber exciting to read fics based on the characters and events of the show. And it can be any kind of fic really, one-shots, super long ones, romance, slash, or just plain silly ones, who cares.

I just want to keep the creativity flowing and the world of the DCAU alive with anything you guys think up. Maybe I'm just going through withdrawals because I've pretty much read all the Question/Huntress fanfics out there, and I need a hit. Of course, I'm writing my own super duper long fic on the two of them, but it's nice to find other versions of their story out there. Anyways, if you might be interested in contributing to a community like this, get back to me. If this community does ever come into existence, I'll always be updating it because the Justice League is pretty much my life.

So yeah, respond if you have the slightest bit of interest.

justice league, question, justice league unlimited, huntress

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