
Sep 08, 2008 00:25

 So, I just got settled into the good old college life.

Its all pretty good so far I guess, except I haven't really had time to concentrate on my Question/Huntress stories, which is really making me mad, because I am having withdrawals and it's making me extremely anxious....... For example, it is 12:30 on a Sunday night, or Monday morning, and I still have some reading to do for a class, but I've decided that it's not as important as my writing. So, instead of being a responsible college student, I am going to be a passionate Justice League geek and write my little heart out.

Just kidding, got caught up reading my comic books, and now its almost 2. I'm tired, and less anxious, thanks to Justice League Adventures #6, 7 & 8. And just for the record, the original 7 of the JL cartoon show are freaking hilarious in these comic books. I frequently find myself cracking up at the one liners. In JLA#8, Supes and GL were playing I-Spy in space...little things like that just make my life a hell of a lot brighter. Thanks JL, you always out a smile on my face.

Ah, and while I'm on the topic of the JL, for the past few nights I've been having dreams about them, and it's been pretty awesome. One time, Batman gave me a back massage....I think I'm gonna need another one tonight. HA.

Hopefully in the next 24 hours I can write some Question/Huntress fanfiction...I miss them a lot, and I'm sure they aren't too happy that their lives have been put on hold. Yeah, definitely gonna give them some attention.

Sorry for all who actually read this, it was a really weird post that took like two hours to actually finish. TOODLES.

justice league, question/huntress

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