thx jl

Aug 28, 2008 01:04

So, as I struggle to stuff things into suitcases, I find myself thinking about the Justice League a lot. Yes, I'm a crazy fangirl who wishes she lived in their world. Well, too bad for me, right? I get that scary feeling of being on my own in a new city, and I go straight to my comic books...they make me feel loads better. And yes, they are coming with me to college. They are like comfort food...only not food, but comic books. I guess my point is, the Justice League is going to get me through the transition into college life. I know it sounds cheesy, but it's kinda true. They are all so brave, fighting aliens and monsters and robots and saving the world, and here I am, petrified to go to school. Whenever I start worrying about some stupid college thing, I think about the dear Justice League and they always bring a smile to my face. Thanks Supes, Bats, Flash, Diana, J'onn, Shayera and the Unlimited part as well, mostly Vic, Helena, Ollie and Dinah. And now, I'm going to stop addressing fictional superheroes by their first names.

Which leads me to another topic I would like to address. What is everyone's opinion on the Justice League: Mortal movie, that may or may not come into existence in the near future? The cast kinda sucks...and I just dunno if its even worth it to make a live-action picture. I vote more cartoon! Haha, if only. Well, I think that's all I have to say for now. So, tell me what ya think cuz I don't want to feel stupid being the only one thinking about these things.

K thanks.

justice league, college

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