Oct 02, 2006 22:44
Okay, so right when Bill was insulting my room calling it a "fire hazard", smoke started coming from the kitchen where his bag of popcorn had caught on fire in the microwave. Ahh...poetic justice. hehe.
Today, I actually woke up early enough to stop for a mocha frappe on the way to class!
hey, any friends of mine, when are you guys going to be free again? I know we all have busy schedules, but I'm sure you all can afford to play hooky for at least one day. I know I can, and with our past records, I can safely say that I doubt any of us will have any moral conflicts about it.
Today's happenings:
-Music Theory class (1hr.15min.)
-Did all of World History for the week. (didn't bother with other subjects, I'll probably do all of them tomorrow, and free up rest of week.)
*have to do Music Theory homework (due Wed)
*have to practice for Class Music and Sight Singing (both are quizzes tomorrow. blah.)
This Week's happenings:
*go to college
*finish German, English Lit, and Precal homework.
*have to write another chapter of book (due end of week)
*look into joining the Grange
*enter yet another scholarship contest
*cheerleading practice (Thurs and Fri)
*feel hypocrital about being a cheerleader (done)
*update website
*update fanfiction
*help with the kids, as always
Yay! I have an easy week this week! Not much to do.
Yesterday, I went to the movies and saw The Guardian. loved it! definitely worth watching!
I'm going to go watch Saiyuki and practice for my quizzes tomorrow. I'll chat more later. see ya.