
Apr 13, 2002 23:04

I'm having a good day cleaning my condo. And the very fact that I'm capable of formulating the phrase "having a good day cleaning" means that I've managed a significant paradigm shift.
This is largely thanks to treebyleaf, who came over and did my dishes, cleaned my kitchen, helped me sort and put away clothes, and just generally get my head above water as far as the state of this place is concerned. And now I can breathe again -- and actually give a damn about my home instead of just trying to hold mere anarchy at bay.
Somewhere along the line today, I crossed the line from merely cleaning into decorating. Which is good -- tomorrow is the Merchants of Deva Staff Appreciation Potluck, and it's going to be held at my place, and I'd like to live up to my position as Minister of Décor.
I live in a wonderful home filled with fabulous things. It's nice to look around and see that, and not just see clutter.
This is the first time my home has been something to me other than just a place to sleep and shower since -- well, since before treebyleaf went into the hospital.
I can't wait for her to see some of the things I've done to the place. I think it'll rock her socks off.
I've been listening to SomaFM today while I've been working, and it's helped calm me down and keep me going. I've mainly been listening to the Secret Agent stream -- "the soundtrack for your stylish, mysterious, dangerous life. For Spies and P.I.'s too!" Fun stuff. Soma House Party is surprisingly good, too. Check them out.

merchants of deva, music, treebyleaf

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