After spending a couple of hours determining all of the possible positions I can stretch out in my truck and not manage to fall asleep, I finally did fall asleep in more or less my original position. I was woken up about an hour later by a horrible, intense fucking leg cramp. After soothing it into submission, I checked the time. Oh, good, I could make my Sunday morning panel after all.
Inexplicably awake and chipper -- I am a rock star -- I walked back to the hotel, soaking myself once again to the skin. The first person I encountered said, with astonishing alacrity, "Six, you're all wet!" I beat him to death against the bar railing and left his steaming carcass in the breakfast buffet, and then went to the bathroom to use a few dozen paper towels to upgrade my appearance from Drowned Rat all the way to Damp and Annoyed Rat, and then went to the Green Room long enough to receive the communion of Coffee, and then dashed off to my panel, which was "Online Journaling."
I had no idea this would be so well-attended. The panel moderated by
scarlettina, who did an excellent job. In accordance with the experience and interests of the attendees, the panel, while allegedly about online journaling in general, was almost entirely about LiveJournal. Blogger
Jacqueline Passey, who was a passing acqauintance of mine years ago, was also in attendance and had several good remarks. First panel I've ever showed up for on a Sunday morning that was worthwhile.
I went back to the Green Room for a little something to eat, and was faced with a large bowl full of de-shelled hard-boiled eggs. Now, normally I like eggs, but in my post-drunken state, this pile of slimy naked protochickens just made my gorge rise like some Lovecraftian horror, so I had a small handful of nuts instead. And speaking of Lovecraftian horror, I spent the next hour hanging out with Eric Morgret, who was pretty damn cool. I also bought a DVD of his short film adaptation of
The Thing on the Doorstep.
After that, I met up with Ahna and Riff and Liz, and we went to the Art Auction, for the sole purpose of watching people bid on my artwork. I'd brought nine boxes, and one candle, and all but one box had received bids and three of them had gone on to the Auction. I hadn't been to an Art Auction at Norwescon in years, because I'm usually doing Deva teardown Sunday morning. This was way more fun. One of my boxes, a round Ouija-like design, went for fifty bucks(!). Pretty exciting to watch them sell like that.
We then went to Denny's for breakfast -- unexciting, but cheap -- and then came back to lurk around until 4:00, when I could pick up my unsold art and check out. There was some confusion about the process, and as I'd suspected, the right bid numbers had not ended up on my bid sheets, so they'd had trouble each time they sold one of my pieces; and once again, someone had bid on my Awareness Candle and not picked it up. I'm sick of looking at the damn thing, but I took it home anyway.
Then Riff drove us back to my truck, and after some confusion about just how his hybrid gas/electric vehicle could provide a jump-start to my poor little truck, he managed to get us moving. I took Ahna home and we slept like the dead.
All in all, a damn worthy outing.