Kiryu's Sekkaranrin tour

Jan 10, 2014 14:57

About five minutes before the concert, Mahiro spoke over the speaker to warn us about recording during the show and contact a staff if you're not feeling well.

Junji and Hiyori came out first. I stood on the right side and Junji was soooo close >.< Then, Takemasa and Mitsuki came out. Lastly, Mahiro.

Niigata LOTS (2013.12.11)

The venue was very wide. I liked it because I was able to see Junji very close and clearly. But sometimes, Mitsuki blocked my view from him, lol.

Encore MC:

Mahiro came out first. He talked a bit. He mentioned that the audience was hesitating to shout out loud. He told us to stop hesitating and shout. Then called out the next member: Takemasa.

Mahiro talked about how Takemasa tried out Junji's bending stick that is used for the upper body workout. He was like trying to bend it but wasn't able to, lol.

Takemasa said he joined all the sports clubs in school but he wasn't able to become popular.

Next, Junji. He elaborated the story about Takemasa trying to bend the stick.

He mentioned that it rained outside and it was cold. And he said that this *indicating Kiryu's parker* will keep you warm. He was totally advertising the parker, lol.

Mahiro told us to blame Takemasa for the rain.

Next was Mitsuki. I don't remember or didn't get what he said XD;

Hiyori came out last. He explained to us that they did janken to determine the order of who comes out. He was like saying that he was usually third to last or something.

I like it when Hiyori speaks because his pronunciation is clear and he doesn't talk too fast. Junji talks in medium speed. But the other three speak fast... XD

He talked about when the members went to the restaurant, they decided to do some kind of game. I didn't get what the game was about but the loser has to pay the whole bill. Hiyori didn't know about the game so he lost and had to pay a total of 6000 yen. He noted that he will be careful next time. He was like telling Takemasa to lose next time so he would need to pay for everyone. Takemasa was like shaking his head, lol.

Koriyama #9 (2013.12.13)

The venue was narrow. The band set looked squeezed.. And the drum set was so far back, the lighting made it hard to see Junji..

Encore MC:

Junji was the first to come out. Yay, that meant that he won first place! He came out carrying the parker over his shoulder. He tried to promote the parker again. He said that it's warm and stuff. Then, he put it on. People went, "Woo..!" He said please stop it, lol. He said that the parker is a bit expensive but he would be happy if people buy it.

Then, it was time to call out to the next member. He asked us to guess who. People calling various names. I didn't care who comes out since Junji came out already XD

Mahiro came out next. And then, Mitsuki. Before he called out to the next member, he told us a bit about the next member. The back room of this live house was freezing cold. There were two doors to go to the back room. When you open the first one, you can feel the huge change in temperature. So when that member opened the door, he was like freezing to death, lol. And that member was Takemasa, lol. When he came out to the stage, he was like shivering. He said, "It is very cold back there!"

He said something about raining and snowing in Niigata. It was cool because I was there XD He said that it was raining even though he wasn't awake, lol! He made it as it wasn't his fault, or he didn't caused it.

Hiyori was last. He mentioned that he was last again.

At the end of the encore, Mahiro said that even if he speak very, very slowly, the time to part still comes closer and closer.

When everyone left, Junji was the last one to leave. He came forward to the stage. He took off his parker...and then carry it over his shoulder. And he left the stage... I thought he would put the parker back on XD

Okayama Crazymama Kingdom (2013.12.24)

The live house was average. It wasn't narrow and it wasn't wide.

Over the speaker, Mahiro warned us to not carry dangerous items. He asked if we brought any, lol.

Encore MC:

Mitsuki appeared first. He wore a santa suit. He was like, "(I'm) so red!" His color is red after all, lol.

He said that during one of the songs, the strap of his guitar kicked on something and it ripped. So his guitar was lowered a bit.

Takemasa's outfit got dirtied and had to order a new one. The package on the new one said there's a belt or something but there wasn't any.

When Junji was playing the drums to end the performance, a fan didn't get the right timing. So when Junji hit the last beat, her timing got off and she shook. Mitsuki said she probably was having so much fun that she acted stupidly, in a good way. He said it's ok to act stupid, as long as you're having fun. It made me recall Hina shouting, "Let's be stupid" at the Eito concert, lol.

He explained they were taking a long time backstage because they got to the concert hall late so they were just taking polaroid photos for sale.

Takemasa appeared next. There wasn't any stain or anything so the audience shouted, "We can't see," and, "We want to see (the dirty spot)!" Lol.

He talked about working out/dieting. He tried out some of Junji's training stuff, like the machine that you have to this... And he tried to demonstrate. The audience was like telling him to do the actual thing XD The audience loved to bully him, lol.

Mahiro next. He wore a black santa suit and a long white beard. He was like saying that the fur on the beard kept going inside his mouth.

It was time to call out the next person, the muscle guy Junji. I wasn't able to see but Junji probably crawled on the stage floor just so he can pop up in the middle of the stage. He wore a Chopper Christmas costume!! Then, he nagged Mahiro, "Luffy, Christmas present, Christmas present..." Rofl.

Next, he goes to Mitsuki.
"Ace, present, present."
Mitsuki was like, "Ace?? Ace??" Lol.

Then, he goes to Takemasa.
Takemasa shook with shock that his santa hat fell off, lol.

He asked the members if they ate chicken. Mitsuki said, "Yes!" He actually lied because they didn't eat chicken but ate turkey, haha.

While he was talking, Mahiro did a weird pose with both hands close together above his head, lol.

Junji randomly called out, "Usopp, Christmas present," and Takemasa was shocked again and his hat fell again, lol. Takemasa was like he doesn't know how to respond XD

Mahiro started to talk about the dancing Santa in front of Bikkuri Donki. He was like moving his hips around and around, imitating the dancing Santa.

He called out the last person.

Hiyori wore a female Santa suit with very short shorts. He came up the stage, and he sang the melody of Jingle Bells and dance in a cute way, lol.

He talked about panties under his shorts, lol.

Junji was doing something to Hiyori on the stage floor. I wasn't able to see what he did. I was glad the other members considered about the back audience.

Before Mahiro started to sing, he complained about the fur on the beard. The audience was like, "It's ok to take it off!" But he rejected it because then, it won't feel Christmasy. He came up with the idea of putting the mic underneath the beard.

When he sang, he actually ended up with putting the mic underneath most of the time. At the end of the encore, he gave up and pulled down the beard, lol.

Zepp Namba (2013.12.27)

The best spot I had in all four shows. It was very near the front. There was hardly any people on my right side so I had a lot of room to myself~

At the beginning of the concert, Kurosaki talked about Zepp Namba. He was like, "Namba Zepp? Zepp Namba? Which one is it?"
The audience shouted, "Zepp Namba!!" Please check for the correct name beforehand, Mahiro, lol.

I really like the stage set, so cool. Skeletons hanged up to the ceiling. There were some sitting on the floor.

Encore MC:

Takemasa came out first. He practiced throwing the guitar picks at the audience. He tried to throw one at the middle but the throw was too weak so it went at the front, lol. He threw two at the back and they went pretty far. When he tried to aim the middle again, he failed again just like the first time, lol.

Hiyori showed us the stage set. He introduced one of the skeleton on the floor. The hair was long and some fell on the floor. When Hiyori was playing the guitar, he almost slipped on the hair. He decided to give a name to that skeleton: Honeko..

Mahiro: He realized that the people here were from Osaka. He tried to speak some Kansai-ben XD The way he said Zepp Namba/Namba Zepp was funny.

Mitsuki: He talked about the time he went to see RevleZ. He was really happy about it.

He said that Royz is watching this live?

When he called out the next member, he called the next member the captain or head of parkers.

Junji: He was talking about being the last one. He was planning to listen to the other members while changing and stuff but ended up not able to listen to them.

He thought about giving names to the skeletons. Hiyori said he named the one on the floor, which was Haneko. Junji paused for a few seconds and then let out a huge sigh, lol! He asked him to name the girl (skeleton) next to the one on the floor.

Next, he asked Mahiro to name the one on the back left. Mahiro was like why does he have to name it? Junji wanted to see their naming sense. Then, he asked Mitsuki to name the male skeleton on the back right, or the gay one sitting on the floor XD He ended up calling the skeleton "hone," which means bones.

He was like talking nonsense in this show, lol.

About the setlist for all shows, and thoughts:

I recognized and learned some of the titles to the songs.

They changed the songs a bit.

For the first two shows I went to, since it was my first time going, I stared at Junji XD In the Okayama one, I was in the back so I saw the whole band for the first time.

There were so many furitsuke.. Almost all the songs had one.. It was a good and a bad thing. Everyone danced along together but sometimes, I wanted to pay more attention to the performance. I think there were like three songs that didn't have it? But they were the songs from the new single?

It was interesting that the furitsuke had you go to the left of the house floor, right, back to the stage, and forward to the stage. We really used the whole floor.

There was a few songs where you bump into a person in front of you. There were some people that actually did that. In the Okayama show, someone bumped into me. I'm light and physically weaker than average people so when she bumped into me, I felt like I would fall over. So when that move came, I automatically stepped aside and let that person bump into someone else in the front XD

I liked the furitsuke for Shishoku. Too bad they only performed it at the first two shows that I went.

We used the fan for Benitsubaki. Junji also swayed left and right with us while playing the drums. It wasn't performed at Okayama but I was glad they added it back in Zepp Namba.

My most favorite furitsuke was the one for Utsusemi. The song was energetic and we waved the towel~

I was so happy that they performed Haruka Kanata e at Zepp Namba! One of my favorite songs ♥

Kyousei was performed in Koriyama and Zepp Namba.

I liked Takemasa's guitar. It had green lights along the neck.

It was raining in both Niigata and Koriyama. At Okayama, it rained a little bit when I went out of my hotel, around 2something PM. And it rained when I went outside earlier in the day in Osaka. So Takemasa is a rainy man after all XD

I didn't plan to attend all these shows, lol, except for Zepp Namba. The tour happened to be on my winter vacation and I was like, "Why not tour around Japan a bit?" Going there for Kiryu's live motivated me more on exploring places that I hadn't been to before. It was worth it.

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